Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

He did wonderful job if you players take the time the e takes to try to figure out dynamics if the game,

I think his curiosity is because the game lacks a fix number of exp need it. And early lvls exp jumps are so ambiguos the doesnt make sense .

But a fact is the all 1 stars mobs exp is your lvl got with same lvl of the mob.

All this equtions are mobs at same lvl as you and only 1 star
(Lvlx20)+ 80
Lvl 68
Lvl 134
Lvl 33

Yup monster xp is linear (albiet a little bumpy)

http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... =4&t=16741
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

Admin said XP per level is linear and it is.

Monsters experience is linear also.

But they are not linked. The number of kills needed per level increases exponentially per level and that is what your graph shows. For most MMO's this is the case.

No one is right or wrong here, it simply is looking at the data differently.

We can whine and complain about it but without some constructive comments it doesn't have much purpose.

Up to about level 100 it is effective to solo level but after that it really is slow. So I group now and leveling is still going at the same pace for me. With the group experience bonus and the fact that in a group it's possible to kill things 4 or 5 times quicker it offsets this linear / exponential XP problem. With Update 3 I believe this was one of OTM's goals, to encourage the grouping MMO experience in the game. Don't try to solo up to 150, you will go insane (as your graph shows) :lol:

They have come out with Daily Quests now, I'm enjoying doing them, even with the high level griefers in the arena :D It gives a little XP boost each day.

What I would like to see more of though are the rare Super XP mobs. If my group kills 100+ mobs in a hour, it should spawn for us at least once? Maybe twice?
A n e x a n d e r
Ranger of Avalon
When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is difficult only for others. It is the same when you are stupid.

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

Admin said XP per level is linear and it is.

First of all admin said number of 1 star monsters to level is linear.

Secondly amount of xp to level is also polynomial/exponential. NOT linear.

See http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... =4&t=16931
Monsters experience is linear also.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

Up to about level 100 it is effective to solo level but after that it really is slow. So I group now and leveling is still going at the same pace for me. With the group experience bonus and the fact that in a group it's possible to kill things 4 or 5 times quicker it offsets this linear / exponential XP problem. With Update 3 I believe this was one of OTM's goals, to encourage the grouping MMO experience in the game. Don't try to solo up to 150, you will go insane (as your graph shows) :lol:

They have come out with Daily Quests now, I'm enjoying doing them, even with the high level griefers in the arena :D It gives a little XP boost each day.
Missing the forest for the trees. It doesn't matter linear or exponential. Do what is effective to level up. And what is effective is grouping.
A n e x a n d e r
Ranger of Avalon
When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is difficult only for others. It is the same when you are stupid.

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

The more important question is:
So what does it mean to the game?

All this does is provide evidence to what the customer population has been saying for months. At higher levels the grind becomes rediculously slow and in order for the game to stay fun you must lix. If you can't lix then once you hit about level 110 you will probably just start playing alts and jump on your main only to help with bosses. Leveling your main becomes accidental and unexpected. At least that is my experience and many of my clan mates mostly alt now.

If the graph were linear then we would have a rate of leveling that is expected, we can see steady progress. When you hit max level it slows down because you are killing things lower level than you, which it should.

Look at it from a solo leveling perspective. Assuming that with regen time it takes an average of one min per mob:
Level 75 = 3.5 hours
Level 100 = 6.6 hours
Level150 = 18.5 hours
Level 200 = 40 hours

But that is for each level. How many hours does it take to get to that level?
Level 75 = 97 hours total
Level 100 = 221 hours total
Level150 = 820 hours total
Level 200 = 2263 hours total
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF


Look at it from a solo leveling perspective. Assuming that with regen time it takes an average of one min per mob:
Level 75 = 3.5 hours
Level 100 = 6.6 hours
Level150 = 18.5 hours
Level 200 = 40 hours

But that is for each level. How many hours does it take to get to that level?
Level 75 = 97 hours total
Level 100 = 221 hours total
Level150 = 820 hours total
Level 200 = 2263 hours total
Nice, did you integrate my eq?
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF


Look at it from a solo leveling perspective. Assuming that with regen time it takes an average of one min per mob:
Level 75 = 3.5 hours
Level 100 = 6.6 hours
Level150 = 18.5 hours
Level 200 = 40 hours

But that is for each level. How many hours does it take to get to that level?
Level 75 = 97 hours total
Level 100 = 221 hours total
Level150 = 820 hours total
Level 200 = 2263 hours total
Nice, did you integrate my eq?
No, just a little copy, past and sum in a spread sheet. The effect is the same since this is really a step function and not smooth. An integral would include the difference between level 79.83 to 79.84 which is not how the game works.
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF


Look at it from a solo leveling perspective. Assuming that with regen time it takes an average of one min per mob:
Level 75 = 3.5 hours
Level 100 = 6.6 hours
Level150 = 18.5 hours
Level 200 = 40 hours

But that is for each level. How many hours does it take to get to that level?
Level 75 = 97 hours total
Level 100 = 221 hours total
Level150 = 820 hours total
Level 200 = 2263 hours total
Nice, did you integrate my eq?
No, just a little copy, past and sum in a spread sheet. The effect is the same since this is really a step function and not smooth. An integral would include the difference between level 79.83 to 79.84 which is not how the game works.
Nice approach, but ya an integral shouldn't be much different.

Sum is a much easier method nice idea.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Monsters to kill per level is *not* linear (admin) PROOF

Marco. Your forgetting so many factors it's ridiculous?
Also don't get me wrong I want a fair game with a linear blah blah blah but your forgetting factors such as:
Lux and armor
Plat and exilirs
And most of all, your basically asking the admin to make it easier for players to lvl. They are going to make lvling easier because of this post, I worked hard to get to the level I'm at and I wouldn't like people to just climb up to where I'm at because they decided to redesign the game for no reason. The game is fine the way it is, this game isn't about leveling its about having fun and bossing.
And to prove you that then look Into lvl structure and how gaining a lvl isn't that significant as it used to be. The game doesn't go up gradually. But in fact it has big bumps such as the difference between a lvl 119 and a lvl 120 is actually incredible. Who cares about the exp being linear, do you really expect the dev team to change the formula into an effective linear formula in the next few weeks? After everyone has lvled to 150? And don't look at this post like I'm trying to offend you, I just want you to see my side of the story and what actually matters about the game
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― Mahatma Gandhi

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