Celtic Heroes

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Would it be possible for a refund

I bought the item on a ranger called flamestrike and it's now currently on my rogue MyDeath would it be possible to get a refund on my Nebula diamond Knuckleblades and If I need to move them back onto the ranger please inform me
MyDeathz 220 Fire Mage (Main)
Revival 181 Druid
Secret Alt To Be Revealed

Re: Would it be possible for a refund

If ur talking about when they lowered the prices of the ow lux and told ppl to move items back them send a ticket they have changed the rules on refunds since then and added the message to tell players that if u trade it to another character u cant get a refund. Again though im not %100 sure and they could let u never know till u try.

Re: Would it be possible for a refund

Me too i gave a trident to friend to borrow then i realised i wanted to be different kinda druid so i sent ticket and got refund with full money and this was 2weeks ago
181 Druid
166 Rouge

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Re: Would it be possible for a refund

The warning you are thinking of, Yilley, is that all trades are final.

Meaning that if you trade to another player and get scammed in the process, OTM cannot help you.

This is different. The items involve the same player, and he/she can easily move the item back to the original character.

That being said, there is a window of opportunity. They will only refund items that were bought recently. You wouldn't be able to get a refund on an item you bought 5 months ago.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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