What offhand should i get? The Master's Book or Golden Trident? If i do get the trident, what kind (ice, fire, or magic)?
100% depends on one thing... you
If you're a group levelling/bossing druid who never solos and only ever lvls with 100+ clannies so never does any melle damage to the mobs... choose a book
If you're a solo DPS, or even a leveling DPS build, then a trident is probably better. Some people go hand to hand and use a Golden blade (can also be good for a hybrid build)
Personally, I went for book first, but this was because I still had a golden bodkin I could use for lvling.
Right now, I switch between Grimore/Focus Crown for bossing, and Trident/Magic damage helm for lvling.
On tridents, I chose magic trident, because druids do magic damage, so therefore we will choose the mobs that have low resistance to magic damage. e.g the ghosts. Eventually you'll need to go ice, but not till you get to the lava fields, and for me, this is a long long way away... so magic it is for me.
Like I said in my first line, it's entirely up to you and your style of play