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Help a bit please ;)

Hi guys! Im Blipper from Epona ;) And how u all see im rogue and i dont know which skill/skills to upgrade. Im at lvl 24 now, almost 25. I have max quick strike and sneaky attack and dont know which skill upgrade more. i like to be dps and i would like to trust that in boss fight there will be some druids that will heal me, so... dont wanna i think waste points in heal skills. Hope for some suggestions. Sorry for my english, not my original language ;) But trust its normally ;)

Re: Help a bit please ;)

nah, at low levels recuperate is better than bandage

poison weapon makes a difference soloing
fast reflexes does too
sneaky is good, so is qs, rend is less important

i have leveled 3 alt rogues to 50 just to test skills
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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