Since when have any of OTM's new content price's not been rolled back to at least some level after they get the community whiplash?@ teaweasel
They got the general idea but the players asking for the camo protection were ppl under lvl 120 who doesnt have 500k+
They try it to fix the issue yes , but they aiming to wrong level players at lvl 150 doesnt get much aggro from 90% of the mobs on game why would he need a 75% speed and 50 camo protection.
No all worlds are the same what works in your world may not work in mine , economies are diferent on each world .
It happened last event, TWICE with both vanity and with OW merchants and it happened before that. People act like the sky is falling, when I bet you OTM will look over it and tinker some slight discount to level out the situation. It always happens like that.... It's been what, like 30 hours since patch... Breathe man.