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Abundance or Bandage Wounds

OK I have been playing my druid and it seems as if she is now everyone's favorite healer for boss fights :)

Ive maxed out Touch, Embrace, Bark, Vines, and lightning. My next question is should i start pumping skill points into abundance, bandage wounds, calm, or howling winds?

I really think the question is between abundance and bandage wounds. I use bandage wounds in boss fights just because it does heal some (52). I am also training some in first aid to get that number up.

Actually I am thinking that abundance might help me solo as well as in boss fights so I'm leaning towards it.

Any advice is appreciated :) also if I have my thinking all wrong let me know.

My stats are:

str 21
dex 50
focus 80
vit 99

Comments on stats are appreciated as well

Thanks all :) we need more druid posts :)
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Abundance or Bandage Wounds

Definitely abundance. On my warrior, I've seen my health go up about 50% with it. It will make your job tremendously easier.
Oh wow my mind is made up ! and I can use it on myself whats not to love...Wonder if I should have maxed it before bark? Thanks for the feedback!
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Abundance or Bandage Wounds

Touch should NOT be maxed.

It costs too much mana without a worthwhile payout. Mine is only level 4 I think. More often than not it's going to heal enough. Let's say your target has 300hp, and he's at half health 150 hp now. A lvl 40 Druid with maxed touch is going to heal over 200hp, that's 50hp more than you need. That's wasted mana that could be used on something like bark. Plus you might run out of mana before he's done fighting. Nothing is worse than a Druid without mana ;)

Re: Abundance or Bandage Wounds

Touch should NOT be maxed.

It costs too much mana without a worthwhile payout. Mine is only level 4 I think. More often than not it's going to heal enough. Let's say your target has 300hp, and he's at half health 150 hp now. A lvl 40 Druid with maxed touch is going to heal over 200hp, that's 50hp more than you need. That's wasted mana that could be used on something like bark. Plus you might run out of mana before he's done fighting. Nothing is worse than a Druid without mana ;)
I agree with this, its the ability score that carries the most weight with natures touch. Yes, it takes a long time to get it up to the point where you really notice a difference, but the amount of energy you save will save some elses life. For example, take a lvl 25 druid with touch lvl 4, ability at 203-he can heal w/ touch for 117 hp. At that level, using a 4 foc/1 vit setup, that's just over 1/2 his hp in one heal. I've seen a lvl 45 rogue get healed for just under 1/2 his hp with that same amount. If that skill was at level 10, you could easily heal 3/4 of that rogues life, but it would drain a TON of your energy, so unless you have purchased a lot of sigils, and have meditation going, it's better to leave natures touch a bit lower, and use it more often to get the ability score up.

Also, as a side note, bandage wounds at lvl 1 is all a druid should ever need. It's for personal-out of combat use to get help get first aid ability up.
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Re: Abundance or Bandage Wounds

You all have it wrong. A Druids job in a group is to heal. Your natures touch spell is your main cast secondary should be bandage wound. The cool down for nature touch is perfect time to cast bandage wound on your tank. The extra 100 hp could make a big difference.

My recommendation is keep bandage wound at 1 until lvl 40 then max it out over the next 15 lvls
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)

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