Hey Aftermathers--come on in and sit down. Let’s have a little chat about game etiquette. It occurred to me that there are lots of things I had to learn the hard way while playing and it would have been nice to see these ideas mentioned somewhere first. I’ll focus here on
boss fights, since that was the stuff I had the most trouble learning early on. And here I’m thinking general guidelines, since Maxee covered specific clan-related stuff earlier.
-If you want to join a group for a boss and haven’t been invited, you can ask to group. You should pick the group leader to ask (not a lower level who might not have the authority to add you). If you don’t know who the leader is, try the highest lvl in the group. If you are rejected, do
not spam request the leader or other players. Take it for what it is—a rejection for that specific group, not a rejection for any possible future group or that someone is just being a jerk. If they’re a jerk, you will find that out and will likely not want to group them in the future anyway. If it’s a clan group, you can ask in clan chat why you were rejected, but don’t rant. See Maxee’s post for clan rules.
-When you ask to group, do not bring 3 or 4 people with you. Leave your current group before you ask. The group leader doesn’t know they are with you, so made his/her decision based solely on you. Those other people might take spots intended for other players. This is exponentially worse if those players aren’t even at the fight.
-Regroup: A group member will say this if they are trying to exclude one or more people. This means leave the group and ask to be invited again—best choice for ask is the one who said regroup. Sometimes people will say “regroup on me (or PlayerX)” which is clearer. You may be invited and you may not—you may be the person they were trying to exclude (see above). Related: if you are asked to leave a group, do it. Don’t keep asking why or whine or complain—you will just annoy the leader and you won’t get an answer.
-Follow the leader: Pay attention to what the leader is doing or telling you to do. They will generally have a plan for the fight. One example is pulling—sometimes the leader wants the mob pulled in one direction to reduce adds or get closer to the leystone. Even if you don’t know why they’re doing it, do it and don’t interfere. In this example, don’t hit your high dmg shot on the non-pulled side so that you catch aggro and stop the pull.
-Stay out of the way: Do not cross between fighters and the mob. Targeting is already hard in this game—please don’t make it any harder. Stay to the side or behind out of the target zone for other fighters. If you are a ranged class, stay back and let the close melee classes up front.
not go to a boss fight without idols! If you’re short on money, you only need 2 or 3, but keep them in your inventory in preparation. Don’t ask to buy idols during the fight. Other players (who are now fighting without help from you btw) are busy and it might be virtual death for them to stop and trade you. You can, of course, run back from the leystone, but if you do that all the time people will learn that they can’t count on you for the whole fight and you may get grouped less.
-Respawn: Do
not just lay there dead while others fight on! It makes it look like you are freeloading and will get you a bad rep quickly. If you don’t have idols to respawn or the idol timer is really long, respawn at the leystone and run back. Yes, you might miss the end of the fight and the drops/gold, but you will avoid getting a reputation for being lazy. There will always be another boss fight; your reputation is hard and sometimes impossible to get back.
-If something happens and you need to leave the group or go afk, it is polite tell the group. Don’t go afk during a fight (see above for the common interpretation). It is best to logout if you have to leave.
-After the fight, leave the group if you don’t plan to run bosses with them (clan usually) or are not specifically asked to stay. This is more important if it’s a mixed-clan group; it shows you are not trying to force your way into more fights that they didn’t sign you up for. Also, thank them for grouping you—politeness goes a long way.
Please add anything you think I've missed and feel free to address other topics of etiquette if you have thoughts about those too. (And Maxee, I'm waaaaay over my own word limit now.