1,000,000/4 = 250,000So, I was thinking...
I neeeeedddd a million dollar broom.. Which is tough cos I have no money atm..
It also sucks because we only have a month to buy it.. Which means I need:
1 000 000/4 = 333, 333 per week.
333, 333/7 Means I need 47619 Gold per day.
That....is...just insane. I have my school tests coming up, which gives me even less time to farm due to study..
I'm pretty sure double plat will not happen when the event is on (I could be wrong) so I cant do it that way..
But blah blah who cares
Most people are complaining because they weren't given enough notice of the cost of the items, and now they have to farm like crazy for them.
So I was thinking, why not do a few double gold days to celebrate samhein?
The good lord piggybank has placed magical enchantments on all mobs, making them drop double gold.. Or something like that.
It'd help a lot for those saving for some of the more expensive items.
250,000/ 7 = 35550?
That's is if you started with nothing at the start of the event...