I think above all the resounding issue is that there isn't much value to your characters life. People
In other MMOs actually care when their characters die and try to avoid it. A death penalty promotes character preservation which introduces a new strategic element that this game seriously lacks.
For those whining about how they die in one shot:
Vitality, invest points into it. That is how the game is designed to be played. Like others have said, if you can't survive a fight you probably shouldn't be fighting there.
I would suggest to OTM to release ability reset books for all characters of this were implemented just so nobody complains about HAVING to spend money to continue playing.
Just open question to you:
How a death penalty will benefit the game , i have play another mmos that have death penalty on gold and others the have in stats ,..
Not having. Death penalty Is one the thing the makes this game unique and separated from others mmos , is like havin a unlimited inventonry bag and able to buy space unlimited not like oters games .... So why change sometiing that makes te unique ..... If you like death penalties go play other mmos dont ask to change something the works .
I mean is upgrade 3 all over again cause druids are not being part of the game.... This list have a hig list of issues and ypur is not one ..... Im tank at moment 5.5k health and you ask me to reset after dyieng with 1/2 of my stats ..... Or to loose 5% o my gold ....... Well like i said you play with 7 druids so you dont died .