Actually. I did read it, all 12 pages.
Awesome! This second try at responding is much more intuitive than your first. I appreciate you putting some actual effort into your response this time. It is much more revealing and opens a dialouge for us to respond intelligently. What's the point of reading all those posts (which takes a while) just to leave a one line comment that makes you sound ignorant?
I can't understand players that want to make the game harder. Yes fixing bugs is very important but to make the game harder for everyone just cause your bored? No.
First, I'm not bored. I'm thouroughtly enjoying all the new content and have yet to complete everything. The players who got to level 150 during the double exp week are the ones who claim boredom. This suggestion has nothing to do with making our game less boring. Second, by making the game harder you mean removing a players ability to blindly run into death over and over again without conseqeunce. At least that's what I assume you mean since that is the resounding issue that has been addressed within this thread. A player dies once trying to see if he can solo a four star... He gets a small debuff
To his stats that last for just a minute or two (as admin suggested)... That player has some choices:
A) wait for the debuff to fade while soloing other mobs (still possible with only a slight debuff) and then retry the four star mob (hopefully with a different strategy or with some friends/support)
B) run head first into the same mob with the debuff still active almost certainly leading to another death and yet another debuff (slightly stronger debuff than the first) and repeat this until they decide the game is dumb
C) REALIZE they aren't yet strong enough to complete that particular set of content and return to whatever area they had previously found success in.
The first and the last are reasonably logical conclusions for any self respecting gamer to come to. Option B sounds like an idiot, and I'm not interested in arguments that cater to that kind of gamer. If they're that idiotic about a death penalty then they are the sort of player that's going to eventually quit anyway as soon as he encounters an obstacle. Frankly, we may as well weed those players out early on and save everyone the headache.
You can go away now. Go play a different game where you can find more of a challenge.
I like how you're always complaining about whiners and "noobs" who want the game to be easier when your doing the same thing asking for the game to be harder.
I implore you... Correction... I challenge you to find one single post of mine that has ever made such a claim. You may as well not bother looking, because there aren't any; yet, you say I "always" do such things. I'm not that sort of forum user. I admit that there are forums users who are like that. You may be confusing me with somebody else, so benefit of the doubt goes to you.
In rebuttal, It's my opinion that adding depth/strategy and making the game harder are two different things. Making the game harder, as an example, would be for the admins to say "people are killing aggragoth way too easily these days, and we did not intend for his battles to be won so easily. As a result, we've decide to make him 'harder' by doubling all his damage." to give the game more strategy/depth they may conclude that players are completing the fights so easily because the fight
Is so short. So as a direct result they double his hitpoints instead of his damage. This makes the fight last twice as long which introduces new challenges such as managing healer energy more effectively. That's probably a terrible example, if somebody else can help me out on that one I'd appreciate it.
Believe it or not the vast majority of players are "noobs". You should know that by now especially since you are obviously an experienced MMORPG player. Please don't force your hunger for a challenge on the rest of the player base.. Most players don't find the game as easy as you do.
I don't consider myself to be out of the "noob" category to be honest with you. I'm an expert at multiboxing, not at the game. I learn stuff everytime I log in. When my clan calls that a boss is up, I'm the guy that has to ask "where is that?"
I'm not forcing anything onto anyone. I've made a suggestion for the community to mull over in their heads and provide feedback. Based on that feedback the administrators will do whatever they want to with it. I don't know, nor do I pretend to know how the administrators make decisions. I've made dozens of suggestions and I can't think of one that has been implemented. I continue to suggest things because I love this game and when I see what I interpret to be an issue, I point it out. Sometimes it gets shot down in flames, sometimes people love it. Either way, I feel that I've contributed even if I am made to look like a fool.
P.S. I honestly don't think that OTM rewards plat buyers ENOUGH. They are the ones paying the bills yet most changes made to the game are to make it harder so the plat buyers don't find the game boring. It's almost as if OTM is assuming EVERYONE has sigils and and unlimited supply of res idols and pots. Which is not true at all.
Wait... What? I'm either misreading, or that statement contradicts itself. You don't think they reward plat buyers enough? Then you go into how they do it too much without considering non-plat buyers? I feel as tho I must be misinterpreting your statement.
Btw I wouldn't consider myself a plat buyer. I've only spent about $50 on plat.
You're a plat buyer, lol. Let me reword your sentence for you.
"Btw I wouldn't consider myself to be a prostitute. I've only made about $50 sleeping with strangers for money"