Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


Right now I'm already saving up for radiant because with bp and grieves and golden quiver you have really high dps.
Ps I'm only lvl 56 which goes to show how long I kno I'll have to save up for radiant bp
Considering your only lvl 56 raidant has a 100req and now that the summer event is over if you wanna buy it people are gonna charge alot for it and I mean alot and unless your one of those lvling kings who can like get from 1-80 in a week gonna take a while to reach 100 and to get it your gonna need to buy plat
Someone i know made it to lvl 118 in 3 days....
Server: Arawn
Been playing since October, 2011
Silvos- lvl 129 Ranger
Sirus- lvl 88 Rogue
Otm sucks... Its pay to win type of game... Money goddesses!!


Right now I'm already saving up for radiant because with bp and grieves and golden quiver you have really high dps.
Ps I'm only lvl 56 which goes to show how long I kno I'll have to save up for radiant bp
Considering your only lvl 56 raidant has a 100req and now that the summer event is over if you wanna buy it people are gonna charge alot for it and I mean alot and unless your one of those lvling kings who can like get from 1-80 in a week gonna take a while to reach 100 and to get it your gonna need to buy plat
1-80 can be done in a day never mind a week :lol:
Haha. Exactly
Jarhead -- Ranger - Lvl 153
LeatherNeck -- Warrior - Lvl 145
DevilDog -- Druid - Lvl 137
Mars -- Rogue - Lvl 91

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