And another reason nobody wants to PVP is because classes are way unbalanced. Mages are OP and nobody wants to face them. 99% of rangers I come across have little HP bc they rely on bolas which sucks in the arena. Most people wont PVP outside of their class bc they feel it is too one sided, besides mages of course.
I don't necessarily agree. I've had ppl kill my Mage as well as me killing other people. What people tend to forgot is that a PvE and a PvP build is very different because your skills work differently and your opponent are a different difficulty lvl. IMO a Mage with PvP build has a lot more hp and not such a good shield.
Also, most depends on your armor/weapons. I was dueling a Mage who was 5 lvls lower then me and I lost every time with a PvE build and inferior armor (I had new stonevale armor, other Mage had diamond armor). Then you can't forget what rings, charms and necklaces ppl r wearing. They can add a lot to your character's power.
One major thing I really don't like is that you cannot do much tactics in pvp. A melee attacker can hit you from 15 meters distance (both of us were like wtf from that distance ? So it was that only I had lag...). And in the same way it's not cool that a melee can't evade casting by stepping aside. I think it's always funny when the fireball follows like a freaking smart bullet. Oo. (of course there r some casted things that should work even when opponent is moving, like incinerate since u set the target on fire. But fireball curving to follow its target is funny).
Of course now we come back to the fast that we have poorly working skills. It would be nice to cast some skills while on the move - ESP instant-cast spells. Hide/camo should work in pvp also. Play dead should make you Un-attackable. And let's not forget that sigils/Rez idols work in arena...