The first and the last are reasonably logical conclusions for any self respecting gamer to come to. Option B sounds like an idiot, and I'm not interested in arguments that cater to that kind of gamer. If they're that idiotic about a death penalty then they are the sort of player that's going to eventually quit anyway as soon as he encounters an obstacle. Frankly, we may as well weed those players out early on and save everyone the headache.
P.S. I honestly don't think that OTM rewards plat buyers ENOUGH. They are the ones paying the bills yet most changes made to the game are to make it harder so the plat buyers don't find the game boring. It's almost as if OTM is assuming EVERYONE has sigils and and unlimited supply of res idols and pots. Which is not true at all.
Wait... What? I'm either misreading, or that statement contradicts itself. You don't think they reward plat buyers enough? Then you go into how they do it too much without considering non-plat buyers? I feel as tho I must be misinterpreting your statement.
Btw I wouldn't consider myself a plat buyer. I've only spent about $50 on plat.
You're a plat buyer, lol. Let me reword your sentence for you.
"Btw I wouldn't consider myself to be a prostitute. I've only made about $50 sleeping with strangers for money"
I will not quote your whole post because I feel it would make my post abnormally large. But know that I read all of it. I will address 3 parts of your response.
First my Post Script statement.
I am saying that it seems that OTM is making the game hard for all of the plat buyers so they are not bored. If it is hard for those that buy plat, it makes it near impossible for those that do NOT buy plat. For example, if a mage or druid spends $50 on sigils and they still run out of energy, think about the mages and druids that do NOT have sigils. If a mage or druid wants to spend $50 on a game developed by OTM to have an advantage and always have energy, they should not be penalized because OTM feels they have an unfair advantage. They paid for it, therefore they deserve it. If they make the game harder for those that buy plat, they are making the game 10x harder for those that do NOT buy plat.
Second, your unnecessarily inappropriate rewording of my sentence
Not only does it not make sense because I am the one spending the money (although nice try calling me a prostitute), but you should or already know that most players that play this game are younger then 16, why be gross?
What I meant is that I have been playing this game for a little more then a year now and I have spent a total of $50 over a number of different toons and accounts. I consider a plat buyer someone who consistently puts money into the game or puts a significantly larger amount all at once.
Last, and most important.
Your statement about "self-respecting gamers" and how you are not interested in catering to their needs. Luckily, this game is not made for only you. If one thumb mobile catered only to one type of gamer, in your case (hardcore experienced MMORPG player), Then they would lose the majority of their player base. The beauty of Celtic Heroes is that it can be picked up at ANY time by ANY one and be played without having to have previous experience in MMORPG's.
At least in MY opinion as to what OTM wants for Celtic Heroes, is my last sentence.
However if we keep making the game harder and harder instead of just adding more content and keep catering to the endgame players, the "noobs" and less experienced players will suffer the most.
*EDIT* ^^ However if *they keep...