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Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Yeah, thats what I tried to say. Mages that invest in shield think they need no vit. I was healing marcus a few times on ironspike and stonefang and while he had shield on I would cast bark and sit there with nothing to do, waiting as his shield was eaten away. waiting...waiting...then all of a sudden it breaks and he dies in 2 hits before I can heal him :( well its easy to tank stonefang without any pots or idols as a druid, at least for a few seconds. just run back quickly once u get oneshotted :)
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

If a rogue is tanking as good as warriors of the same level then you have unfathomable warriors IMO... I have a Druid in my clan who adds 590 armour with bark and a offhand shield and then some nice regen stuff also.. I can get 1.1k armour but warriors eat me up... I can hardly keep agro when decent dps is there. Have to ask other rogues not to skill... Just to tank??! Well that's a great tank isn't it. Please don't skill or spam spam spam distract and mages be carefull too you might take gro cause my dps is low as I have full frozen on and only 600ish damage... Ya superb not
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

mages r preety crap like i said i never saw mage tanking (well they all died after 10 secs)
the druid i saw is Devine lol, he was lvl 100 and somehow tanked stonefang main without dying and bh main with some deaths
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Blackmamba how do u know. Personally I think Druid would be best at soloing that sort of boss. Before u hate and say I am stupid. Howling wind is an amazing skill... That max heal bark and embrace and any lvl 120 Druid could proba solo most met quest bosses with the right damage gear of corse. Not deadroot shiver and rockbelly Probs. but u have deffo underestimated Druid. Personally I know a Druid who uses howling winds and can solo wayvern... He doesn't get hit maybe once or twice... If he had decent radient gear I am pretty sure he would rock them in under a min aswell. And if he had some decent howling wind rings well he wouldn't get hit at all lol
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

I know because I discovered the potential for howling wind 5 months ago, my main is a druid, and I know all the solo druids in my world? Give them damage gear and theyll die way too easily, use their best armor and they kill far too slowly. Criminal was talking about tanking anyways, not soloing. Have you tried either of the two on any red boss using a druid? They're much different from a wyvern...you already said not deadroot shiver or rockbelly, but you think they stand a chance against bladewing? even stonefang, any druid would get demolished if they tried to solo. You said max bark and embrace at level 120, leaving room for two more skills. You later talk about howling wind, and assuming you max that also you have one offensive skill and no nature touch? Even with a max bark and best armor possible that is probably barely 700. Lastly, your energy regen would not come close to keeping up with your skills. Think before you speak next time, I think a druid stands almost no chance at effectively tanking any six star red boss, and even less at soloing one. The most difficult bosses I have heard of a druid soloing were the wisps, but let me know if you have seen anything harder
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

You would have howlin embrace bark and touch. Use radient ear and go hand to had can easy get 700 damage with some nice rings. Howling winds maxed takes away about 1300 attack we tried it on lava cheif with Druid. If he didn't skill the druid( as the druid was no vit) then he didn't hit as we tried on me with same defence and apart from skills he didn't hit. Bladewing I forgot about onestly but ya other bosses could be done embrace at 150ish per tick a nice 1k+ heal a really strong howling winds 35+ and a nice bark u can easy get 600 armour 700 damage(with hands don't need skills these days) and never be hit by normal attack which would hopfully mean u had a chance to heal a lot of the time. So ya more of a guess rather then in practice but I'll let u know how it goes when my Druids gets 120
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Hmm never thought about hand to hand build, and sorry for seeming to negative :/ Please let me know how it goes. I recently talked to the top (former) dps/pvping Druid on my world and he said there was no way he could solo stonefang main. With a optimized build and on goretusk maybe? It seems doable.
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

solo? he didnt solo
she had one druid to heal him (one noob druid)
i think she used garsping boots, embrace, vines and i dont remember whats the last skill (i think bark
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

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