Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


HES DISABLED!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOST OVER 200k worth of stuff!!!!
Well, for starters, you haven't lost anything yet. If the account is disabled, you simply don't have access to it right now.

There was obviously something that rose a flag. If you haven't done anything wrong, then it is simply a issue of explaining your situation.

My guess is your character name. It could imply to support that you are a) a character trying to trade platinum for real world currency, b) a scam character offering platinum to players for entering their details into a fake website.

Again, if your story is true, and you haven't done anything wrong, then it will probably be restored to you in a matter of days.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.


Theres a problem cuz I got the plat and got elixirs books idols etc and sold and made ruffly 500k and spent it on lux and charms but luckily I had my lux transfered to Mage a left charms to be refunded
Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Hated Neighbor!


Things like such do not happen in random or based on trivia reasons. You are fortunate that the admin / support team are highly responsive and have good audit trails on what happens.
Vegebeard (Warrior) on CROM
Vindonnus (Ranger) on CROM
Retired Ex-Leader of Seed and player of CROM
Once a SEED, Forever a SEED


All I did was simply make a account a sold play items for in GANE gold wat is that a crime now?!
I understand what you were doing. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. But you have to understand that support needs to have certain flags in place. I have seen level 5 characters with the names OTMSupport, FreePlat and ToonTrader.

I don't know if support has a system which scans for names, or if it is only based off of player support tickets, but my guess, and it is only a guess, is that your name was the problem. If everything was legit, then support will return access to you.

I understand that you are a little frustrated and upset about your merchant character being disabled, but that is no reason to be snappy with the people here in this thread for trying to give you advice and opinions. Your use of capital letters and exclamation points has grown a little tiresome.

When you create a thread, and people offer their thoughts, it is quite rude of you (regardless of your current frustration) to come back at them with things like "what part of that don't you understand?" You would be viewed in better light if you said something like "Maybe I was unclear in my original post..."

Good luck to you.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.


All I did was simply make a account a sold play items for in GANE gold wat is that a crime now?!
I understand what you were doing. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. But you have to understand that support needs to have certain flags in place. I have seen level 5 characters with the names OTMSupport, FreePlat and ToonTrader.

I don't know if support has a system which scans for names, or if it is only based off of player support tickets, but my guess, and it is only a guess, is that your name was the problem. If everything was legit, then support will return access to you.

I understand that you are a little frustrated and upset about your merchant character being disabled, but that is no reason to be snappy with the people here in this thread for trying to give you advice and opinions. Your use of capital letters and exclamation points has grown a little tiresome.

When you create a thread, and people offer their thoughts, it is quite rude of you (regardless of your current frustration) to come back at them with things like "what part of that don't you understand?" You would be viewed in better light if you said something like "Maybe I was unclear in my original post..."

Good luck to you.
Yes I regret that now I am sorry and thank u for the support but till this resolves Celtic heroes will remained in opened (besides checkin if it's undid ambled) and they won't get a penny outa me ever again and I am a huge play buyer
Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Hated Neighbor!


Admin is gonna look out for hackers now and lvl 5 buying Ton of plat doesn't seem right :)
Loll.... like in your sig? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yes like my sig i told admin i could hack it if he dont believe thats his choice ;)

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