Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Never buying plat again!!

Hi I've been told by support that the account was disabled by mistake and the account has now been re-enabled.
YuP just check TYVM
And I lolled when u banned me for messing around with my friend super1 xP
But now can I get ye charms refunded?
Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Hated Neighbor!

Re: Never buying plat again!!

Yes I regret that now I am sorry and thank u for the support ...
Your apology is accepted. Thank you for making it.

Thank you, also, for toning down the title of this thread.

But now can I get ye charms refunded?
For the charms to be refunded, you will need to send a support ticket through the in-game app. Be specific. Make sure you send from the character that bought the items, and make sure they are in the character's backpack.

Good luck.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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