Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

OTM is Corrupt

To start, I'd like to show people a section of the game policy that I'm referring to.
Regarding Celtic Heroes Accounts

The following statements relate to the parts of the Terms and Conditions (which users agree to when they create an account) relevant to this policy.

You are not allowed to share your username or password with anyone.
When you create an account, you are responsible for all activities conducted through the account.
You are responsible for maintaining the security of your own account. This includes ensuring your username and password remain confidential. You are responsible for all uses of your username and password, whether or not it has been authorised by you. Do not write your password down.
One Thumb Mobile does not recognise the transfer of Celtic Heroes accounts between individuals. This includes accounts which have been transferred for in-game items or Gold, or “real-world” currency.
Celtic Heroes Disciplinary Procedure
Here at Celtic Heroes we really care about our players, and feel we have a duty to create a fun environment in which to play and to protect players from scams and other disruptive behaviour which may spoil their enjoyment of the game. We have created a disciplinary procedure to protect players from those who breach our in-game policies.

The disciplinary procedure is a tiered procedure, and is structured as follows:

Level 1: If a user breaks an in-game policy, the user will receive an in-game warning, telling them they have broken an in-game policy and should stop engaging in this activity immediately.

Level 2: If a user continues breaking an in-game policy after being warned, they will receive a final warning, stating that if they continue to be in breach of the in-game policy their account may be disabled.

Level 3: If, after receiving a warning and a final warning, a user is still found to be in breach of an in-game policy their account will be disabled without any more warnings.

A member of my clan bought an account for $100, this account is now disabled, as it states on the Terms of Service would happen, or could possibly.

Now, here's the problem, things on my server are very bad at the moment, there is one clan, Retribution, that breaks the ToS multiple times and no action is taken against them. They all share accounts in order to take an advantage over everyone else in the server. I have filed support complaints and forums post and have been told nothing will be done.

I want to hear your justification for these actions. You simply can't ban one player for breaking the ToS and not do anything to another. I want an Admin to reply fully and explain why this has been done.

So what will it be? Unban the account in question or actually enforce your rules?

Ps. The account banned is Avaton.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: OTM is Corrupt

I am the one who recieved this account. I put plat and gold and items that i baught with plat on the account. I also put on lots of luxury items and now i cannot acess them for my main account. These items incled:lots of gold, AT LEAST 2000 plat worth of items, 2 heroic amulets of rejuvenation, heroic gloves of haste, heroic boots of speed, gold helm of severity, diamond rogue shirt and pants, pierce 7 charm, slash 6 charm, 60% speed sled that you cannot purchase anymore, diamond dagger, revenant ring of regeneration, revenant ring of energization, golden dagger of venom, crookback hunter charm, and lots more that i can ot remember at the moment. If you do not belive me admin can check the account themselves. I strongly encourage that this account is given back. I spend lots of money on this game and plan on spending more. If i do not get this account back i will quit. The clan retribution shares all thier accounts. Many people have written support about it but they still do not do a thing about it. Right when it happened out of retribution they blocked the account. That is very prejeduce. I am very dissapointed in admin. Please respond asap. This a very important issue

Name: Elion
Class: Ranger
World: Sulis
Level: 145+

Re: OTM is Corrupt

Try to dispute it through the proper procedures, but *** that OTM is corrupt for upholding their TOS is stupid.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Guffy, before attempting to give a smart-ass reply, please actually read the post.
One clan is being discriminated against while one guy has nothing done. Both for breaking ToS.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: OTM is Corrupt

Hi there,

If you have an issue with an account being disabled, please mail [email protected]

There is a specially set up procedure for correcting any mistakes that may have been made.

Hope you get it sorted out.
The problem is you are only banning one group of people and not another, even though the one not being banned is breaking more rules.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: OTM is Corrupt

The funny thing is, TOC states that you get in game warnings, which would have given me a chance to get my items off, but i have not gotten any. False advertising?
-Hard work beats talent when talent doest work hard-

Re: OTM is Corrupt

The funny thing is, TOC states that you get in game warnings, which would have given me a chance to get my items off, but i have not gotten any. False advertising?
The policy states the following:
Although all users are subject to this disciplinary procedure, if we judge a breach of in-game policy to be very severe, we reserve the right to disable an account without warning. Users may appeal this decision.
The problem is you are only banning one group of people and not another, even though the one not being banned is breaking more rules.
The Support Team will only disable a player's account if they have reasonable evidence to support the claim that the player has broken the Terms of Service. Any player who is reported will be investigated, but a warning and/or disabling of an account will only occur if there is evidence to support this report.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

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