I trust superman 100% even if he shares his accounts with other players i know he won't give it to a scammer to scam me
I should rephrase. I trust the actual player who created Superman. I just now would question who is holding the iPod, and can I trust that person. Now, you say that you know he would never give it to a scammer, but in your other post you said even a well trusted level 130 could walk off with my lux. Which is it?
Iam not saying it doesn't mean prohibited, it means prohibited as well as approved and many more
Told you it works both ways
Let me change a word with the same meaning to help u out.
"sharing or passwords or accounts is not approved. Does that make more sense to you?
Crystal clear
I understand that you are trying to argue semantics, but it is a flawed argument. You can't really separate the single words of a clause. Think of it as Gestalt linguistics: the whole takes on more meaning that the sum of its parts.
I suspect you would agree that no one would try to argue that the "Super Bowl" can be changed to a "Very Powerful Concave Dish for Holding Food or Liquid," though the dictionary tells me that "super" and "bowl" can have those meanings.
Even your example of "not approved" can take on two culturally implied meanings. One being "frowned upon", and the other being "denied." That is most likely why OTM didn't use the phrase "not approved." Their lawyers probably mentioned that it was an ambiguous phrase.
I like arguing for arguments sake. It exercises the brain. But I think you need to concede this one.