You think this is dropping it? Come on man...I'll drop this now, ignore smokes and continue to play the game I enjoy in the clan I enjoy being in. But I would just like to say in reply to your message, I don't think allowing SirSmokesAlot, the one that ruined this game for so many, into any clan is honorable. He has still ksed post-update. He does still try it on occasions as previously stated (even if he is unfortunate enough to fail ksing, he has the intention). I think generally he has stopped ksing because after update it was nowhere near as easy to ks. Do you think he would have toned down on the ksing if it didn't turn so hard? To me, he's still the same old scumbag that he used to be and nothings gonna change that.
Sorry if this post offends anyone, that is not my intentions, I am clearly stating what is on my mind.
I'll say this once again. I have not KSed since the release of OW. I dropped KSing because I wanted to progress in this game, and it was not possible to do so solo.
No one quit because of me. 95% of the time I was AFK killing. I think a lot of people actually got rises when people would figure out ways to get me killed. IMO, you are no better than these noobs asking for target lock, easier leveling, and crying about OP rangers - Stop trying to make something out of nothing.the one that ruined this game for so many
Maybe you only understand if its in the way you explain things:
Making up more rubbish about me KSing? I feel like im back in primary school with all these rumors.
your clannies told you of something they think they saw? How can you confirm its true?
Because you told clannies of something you think you saw, they can confirm it's true?
Making up more rubish? Feel like I'm back in primary school with all these rumours!