Hello and welcome to Morrigan servers marketplace!
Please include everything about the item you're selling like;
(Name, armour, damage, speed, weight, whether its one hand or two handed, any requirements the item has to use and please include the price and your in game name).
If you have queries and need to talk to the buyer or seller, please use the messaging system in game or on the forums as to not flood the marketplace thread.
To make this faster; use the 'Search this topic...' bar at the top of the thread if you're searching for something.
Morrigan Marketplace
#1IGN: Magika
World: Morrigan
Class: Mage (Level 53)
Clan: Chieftain of the 40+ clan Alliance
- Message me in game for help, need high level items or are interested in joining Alliance.
World: Morrigan
Class: Mage (Level 53)
Clan: Chieftain of the 40+ clan Alliance
- Message me in game for help, need high level items or are interested in joining Alliance.