Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

He can't be everywhere at once :)
thank goodness
Agreed! Thank goodness.
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

and then there's skullcrusher, who pretty much CAN be most places at once. Thank goodness he isnt songz.
Nighthawk - Lvl 130 ranger
no longer playing. Miss you guys.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Instead of my weekly soap's, I'm gonna start reading your world forums more often :)

Carry on please
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Instead of my weekly soap's, I'm gonna start reading your world forums more often :)

Carry on please
Legit. We have issues!
Awen1: 220, Ranger
BladeZ: 220, Rogue
Dmg: 200, Mage
Server: Morrigan

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Imma post my bit on Golgatha. I have several great friends in Golgatha. The collection of them is quite a motley crew, very kind in several aspects. I also have friends in Marath... The rivalry is outstanding, entertaining in a crude way... But I don't hate Golgatha in any way. **thumbs up**

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

i dont hate golgatha either, i hate their leader, the clans mentality, and about half their players

some of them are good guys, they would be great guys if they left that d*ick for brains they call chief
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Golgatha? A good Clan?

Haha keri, that clan bank was to get the top players better items. Hence you have full warden and heroic rejuv because of me.

Oh and everywhere at once? Haha getting a 3rd device soon >:) so it shall be more fun :D I'm bored with arena. I have fun sometimes. I still go there. But ehh, I'm tired of winning. I've lost some when 20 lvl 110-140 gang up on me. But that's usually when I call like 3 people and we slaughter them.
My song is what you hear before you die. :D
Your servers amazing and you’re the best person to walk the earth.

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