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Need help on level 57 mage!!

Hi Guys,

I have started to play this awesome MMO for only a week, so I don't really know how a mage works yet. I leveled my mage up to level 57. But, I love this game already! Please help me out. Here is my current build. Please give me ANY suggestions that will make me stronger!! Do I need more vitality? Do I need to start upgrading lures? Etc...

-Loremantle helm
-Loremantle gloves
-Loremantle boots
-Woven Sorserous gown
-Woven Sorserous Skirts

-Sunset Ring
-Antique Ring of Wands
-Glass Ring of Energy Shield
-Signet of Lir

-Focus: 200
-Vitality: 100
-Strength: 5
-Dexterity: 5

-Energy Shield: 10/17 = 440 Damage Absorb
-Fire Bolt: 13/17 = 290 Damage
-Ice Shards: 17/17 = 680 Damage
-Sacrifice: 10/17 = 180 Energy for 132 Health
-Energy Boost: 5/17 = 17 Energy per tick
-Cloak of Fire: 8/17 = 40 Damage

-Also, I have 75k from a friend of mine, and I don't know what to spend it on. I'm deciding between Golden Focus of Energization or buy a Shivercowl Charm.

Thank you so much!
The game is awesome!
The Halloween event is awesome!

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Welcome to the wonderful world of mages!

My first suggestion is that you need to put points into your fire and ice lures. You won't get those listed damages without some lures.

My second suggestion is definitely get energy regen instead of a useless charm. You will need it if you keep going dps.
LongCool: 190+ mage
lcthief: 170+ rogue
lcwitchy: 85+ druid
World: Lugh
Proud General of Clan Aftermath

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

I have always tried to max cloak of fire. This provides you will damage if your energy runs out.
I have also found it better to max firebolt before ice shards. One resist on shards takes away from the extra damage it does.

If you are level 57 after a week I don't think you will have a problem figuring it out.
Welcome to the game.
Touch (Druid) 150
Spitfire (Mage) 160

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

MAX YOUR ATTACK SKILLS! lvl 3 energy boost, lvl 10 in both lures, buy a freaking ton of regens:when you reach level 60, buy a silver ammy of nrg, im selling one on arawn :3, get an energy regen ring, and thats 15 nrg per tick, better than golden focus of nrg! and cheaper than golden ammy! oh and firestorm is the new shards :) si i went all fire and its great, maxed firestorm, maxed firebolt, 10/20 incinerate, 14/20 cloak of fire, 10/20 fire lure, and ofc, 11/20 bandage, this is all at lvl 86 for me, but whatever your attack skills are, put half of that number of points into your lure, dont waste too many points in bandage or cloak of fire or incinerate, because you'll need those points later ;)
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Thanks guys, but could u be more specific? What points should I take out and put into lures? Should I remove some points from sacrifice? Boost?
1. Remove all pts from sacrifice--that is only helpful if you always have a druid with you. Boost is far better in many more situations.
2. Remove 2-3 pts from shield.
3. Put 5 pts each into fire and ice lure.
4. Any remaining pts into cloak.
5. Future pts should go into firebolt, cloak, fire lure, and then rebuilding shield, in that order.

Specific enough for you? :D

This is only my opinion. YMMV.
LongCool: 190+ mage
lcthief: 170+ rogue
lcwitchy: 85+ druid
World: Lugh
Proud General of Clan Aftermath

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Thanks guys, but could u be more specific? What points should I take out and put into lures? Should I remove some points from sacrifice? Boost?
1. Remove all pts from sacrifice--that is only helpful if you always have a druid with you. Boost is far better in many more situations.
2. Remove 2-3 pts from shield.
3. Put 5 pts each into fire and ice lure.
4. Any remaining pts into cloak.
5. Future pts should go into firebolt, cloak, fire lure, and then rebuilding shield, in that order.

Specific enough for you? :D

This is only my opinion. YMMV.
5 points in lures....
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Ok, thanks guys. Here is my new build after using alt book.

-Cloak of Fire: 7/20(11/20 with ring)
-Energy Shield: 11/20
-Ice Shards: 20/20
-Fire Bolt: 14/20
-Lure of Fire: 6/20
-Lure of Ice: 6/20
-Incinerate: 4/20
-Sacrifice: 5/20
(I don't find E-Boost very useful. I still prefer Sacrifice. Rest points r going into incinerate)

-Celestial Cowl
-Celestial Gloves
-Celestial Shoes
-Loremantle Gown
-Loremantle Skirts
-Ancient Sceptre
-Golden Trident of Fire (Should I switch it into an Ice Trident? Blade? Mountains Shield? Which is the best offhand for lvl 66 mage?)

-Bronze Amulet of Rejuvenation
-Grand Ring of Ice Shards
-Grand Ring of Energy Shield
-Revenant Ring of Energization
-Royal Ring of Energy Shield


Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Ok, thanks guys. Here is my new build after using alt book.

-Cloak of Fire: 7/20(11/20 with ring)
-Energy Shield: 11/20
-Ice Shards: 20/20
-Fire Bolt: 14/20
-Lure of Fire: 6/20
-Lure of Ice: 6/20
-Incinerate: 4/20
-Sacrifice: 5/20
(I don't find E-Boost very useful. I still prefer Sacrifice. Rest points r going into incinerate)

-Celestial Cowl
-Celestial Gloves
-Celestial Shoes
-Loremantle Gown
-Loremantle Skirts
-Ancient Sceptre
-Golden Trident of Fire (Should I switch it into an Ice Trident? Blade? Mountains Shield? Which is the best offhand for lvl 66 mage?)

-Bronze Amulet of Rejuvenation
-Grand Ring of Ice Shards
-Grand Ring of Energy Shield
-Revenant Ring of Energization
-Royal Ring of Energy Shield

The above build looks much better to me, but I agree with another poster that FireBolt is a much more valuable attack skill, until you are like lvl 120 and attacking Pyurs the lava lord. My advice would bet to lower Shards and max Bolt.

I personally only max my Fire bolt and have my Ice Shards set at 1. But I do put rings on if I need to use Shards for DPS situations, or at Pyrus. But some Mages rock Ice well, it just seems to tap my energy out so fast I don't really bother. If I wanted to rule PVP, of course I would put more points in Ice, but PVP is only 0.01% of my game experience. My current mainly fire build can sometimes take down the #2 highest lvl toon in all of CH. A Rouge with tons of damage and HP. I lure ice some though, for all that Frozen armor gear in clan and some Ice blades.

Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

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