Let me start out by saying that i am not trolling and have no intention of trolling. Now let me get to the point. I would like to know what the point of buying so much plat is. Buying say 100$ is reasonable but for people who buy more than that i would like you to think of what you could do with all that money instead of blow it on something you could get with a little effort. Here is a list of things i can think of that you could get with the money you save from putting time into the game and not money.
1. About 10 fast-food meals.
2. A nice watch.
3. A good camera
4. A NEW IPAD (for ppl who spend like 400$ AT A TIME)
5. A new laptop (/\ ditto /\)
6. A nice necklace/a pair of earrings for your gf
7. Pay a chunk off of your home/apptment bill
8. Buy a toy for your little bro or your son
9. Take some friends out for ice-cream and a coke
10. Buy a puppy from the pound
These are some of the endless possibilities that you can spend your money on. If you really want to spend your money on a iPad game then i respect your choice, but if you think about it there are many other things you could put your money into.
(ps. please dont rage i am just expressing my opinion and giving some reasons why it is a valid one.)
Yours truly,
Signature soon to be added =P
To people who buy more than 100+ $ of plat
A previous player who is thinking of joining again. (see if you can convince me)
Previous World: Lugh
A previous player who is thinking of joining again. (see if you can convince me)
Previous World: Lugh