Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: new lux in update 4?

It's a MMO. Ever expanding, ever updating. So if you wish for more content, more levels, more zones, the game itself needs to pony up better lux to fund it all. Thus newer items that will eclipse the old, and lower their value to make room for better gear and better items that will push people to either buy plat, or farm/ get market-savvy to afford it.

Nature of the Beast. Can't ask for more Beast, and neuter the Nature.

Don't play a MMO if you want things to retain their value forever. Try Monopoly. The "Bank Dividends" pay a constant $50 regardless of the year.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: new lux in update 4?

It will be funny how only those who have spent years saving and saving up gold or have spent hundreds of dollars on gold will get these new lux items :|

Apologies for the harshness or if I have offended anyone, this is my opinion therefore I must say I am against this idea

Neeenja you need to level up man , not many high levels buy gold that I know of . It's simple , the higher the level the more gold you get , your statement is based on the view from level 100 or so , if they do introduce millin gold or more lux items , they will be designed with high levels in mind , the cost of skill use at 50/35 is insane , often times I bring my Mage around with my ranger mainly for him to keep my ranger full of energy .
Clan Avalon


Re: new lux in update 4?

It will be funny how only those who have spent years saving and saving up gold or have spent hundreds of dollars on gold will get these new lux items :|

Apologies for the harshness or if I have offended anyone, this is my opinion therefore I must say I am against this idea

Neeenja you need to level up man , not many high levels buy gold that I know of . It's simple , the higher the level the more gold you get , your statement is based on the view from level 100 or so , if they do introduce millin gold or more lux items , they will be designed with high levels in mind , the cost of skill use at 50/35 is insane , often times I bring my Mage around with my ranger mainly for him to keep my ranger full of energy .
Yeah I know you are right of course ;) see my later posts. If I had not hinted I will make it clear, I do understand that the higher you get then the higher the income rate. Recently I have obtained a lot of elixirs but I am leveling a druid at the moment and I am waiting for the right moment to use them...
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

Re: new lux in update 4?

Eliminater I get what you are coming from and are saying. I see it from the other side of the coin. I am leveling up and gold drops still suck level 120s drop nothing that I can either use nor sell. Unless you are in the best clan on your server you will not get to kill Aggy and sell his drops for real money, if I wanted to flip items for money I would play another realestate game instead of this. I have no desire to join Avalon so I should not get drops of value to sell. I have been saying this forever, if OTM is content with only 10% of their player's paying their bills then they are choosing to disregard the other 90% and their money.
DR Derp of Donn

Re: new lux in update 4?

Unless you are in the best clan on your server you will not get to kill Aggy and sell his drops for real money, if I wanted to flip items for money I would play another realestate game instead of this.
Not sure about other clans, but we do not allow aggy drops to be sold outside of our clan. I have seen people kicked from their clans for doing this. For us, any aggy drops are either given free or traded for other items, but they always stay in clan. And the person that breaks this rule is in big trouble!
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Re: new lux in update 4?

Unless you are in the best clan on your server you will not get to kill Aggy and sell his drops for real money, if I wanted to flip items for money I would play another realestate game instead of this.
Not sure about other clans, but we do not allow aggy drops to be sold outside of our clan. I have seen people kicked from their clans for doing this. For us, any aggy drops are either given free or traded for other items, but they always stay in clan. And the person that breaks this rule is in big trouble!
It's the same rule for most clans

Re: new lux in update 4?

Scratch the selling Aggy drops, just trying to find out where this magical high level pot of gold is located. See OTM this is why players can't get Warden on their own selling drags, drops is how people make in game money. So it all goes back to my original point of 90% of players get screwed.
DR Derp of Donn

Re: new lux in update 4?

Eliminater I get what you are coming from and are saying. I see it from the other side of the coin. I am leveling up and gold drops still suck level 120s drop nothing that I can either use nor sell. Unless you are in the best clan on your server you will not get to kill Aggy and sell his drops for real money, if I wanted to flip items for money I would play another realestate game instead of this. I have no desire to join Avalon so I should not get drops of value to sell. I have been saying this forever, if OTM is content with only 10% of their player's paying their bills then they are choosing to disregard the other 90% and their money.

Derp I don't think you get what I am saying . Higher level , better gold from xp , easier time killing red bosses , better drops in xp , gold is just easier as you get higher level . We don't sell Aggy drops either , in clan or out . If you want lots of gold , grind. Grind xp , grnd on bosses , even grind on farmng , it takes time but you make tons of gold by being patient.
Clan Avalon


Re: new lux in update 4?

There's no super fast way to earn gold. I wish there was. But everything takes time. Leveling or getting abilities maxed or getting 1mil in gold.
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