Basically, the people complaining revolves around 2 issues.
One being lack of dps
One being energy cost
also energy shield cooldown
DPS - Seriously, cant you all wait till update 4 for the caster gear to appear? I have every confidence this will greatly boost dps for all casters.
Im wasting elixers now...
Energy Cost - I already mentioned this couple of times already.
Warriors- If you are a 100% tank, you deal 0% dps. If you are 100% DPS, you cant tank and probably dps wise losing out to rangers or rogues with good dmg focused
No hybrids can tank quite well since they have highest armor in the game...
Rangers - While they are most balanced - If you are 100% str build, your light heal will suck and you cant dodge. If you are 100% Dex build, your dps will suck.
Rogues - If you are 100% dps, you will drink idols and pots constantly with aoe bosses unless yr a very smart rogue. If you are 100% vit, your dps will obviously suck
Druids - If you are 100% support, you cant dps and solo level. If you are 100% dps, you probably wont get invited to boss fights.
Mages - If you are 100% DPS, your energy regen will suck due to no ebergy skills invested. If you are 100% support, your dps will suck and cant solo level.
Is it so hard to understand EVERY CLASS have its own double edge sword to choose? Each class can choose to go 100% of one side and bear the Consequence or they can choose to go hybrid which is often a more sensible choice. I understand if mages want to go 100% nuclear bomb. Its your build choice but yea, accept the Consequence of having zero energy regain. Lack of skill points? Dont we all for all classes???
In terms of solo level, it seriously has to be rogues and druids having the hardest to solo level. Mages are no where near them at all.
No mages have the lowest armor in the game... and rogues out dps us easily with equal gear
In terms of wyvs, I have seen countless mages being able to solo level wyvs. I kid you not. It can be done and yes, they may have spend a ton of books to figure the right build but again, isnt that the same for all classes? You have to spend x amount of books to figure the buiild that suits your current level.
sure they can solo lvl wyverns but it takes forever and $350 worth of sigils and their xp is much less per second than a class that can easily solo normal solo monsters.
Look if any class with a solo build struggles to kill solo monsters their lvl somethin is wrong. I think mage and druid are in this boat up to their neck and to a lesser extent rogues too.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?
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