Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

its funny how the ppl who r saying mages r overpowered r the ones who dont play mage...
I don't have a Mage yes but the facts speak for themselves if this is a constent occurring thing which i have observed it to be how can u argue that they arent powerful when the out dps every other class. One thing i didnt mention is that one big factor of mages out dps rogues is the stat cap on str after 350 if this wasnt there then more rogue problably would win but this limit nerds all melee only classes while mages dont need this stat to have great melee ability.
did u skip my other post? we have really good dps but not from wand, no sir! the firebolts we cast cost a decent amount of energy, and we seriously need a dps boost, yes, i said it. as of right now, ROGUES hold the record for largest skills hit, so why say they're underpowered? energy regens pretty much grant unlimited energy to all melee classes, yet with mages we need TONS of sigils. 1400 sigils is 14k plat, thats $350!!!!!!!!!! rogues have 200-1.5k melee hits, while mages with a maxed magic lure, which is a frickin boss drop, hit a puny 10-50! mages are at a HUGEdisadvantage! whaaa whaa shields too strong! it makes up for our extremely low armor, and health. oh and it costs 1/4 of our energy. mages have it sucky in CH
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

uzi, fyi i play a mage, only level 92 sure, but its awesome, max lures, cloak, and i can get into any xp group i want to, i tried dps too, it was awesome, i could solo anything my level pretty much and i could completely keep up with energy using energy boost
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

I gotta say , it's the same few mages complaining at this point. Tony I think your funny and I enjoy your posts ( I can almost close my eyes and see you ripping your hair out ) but i feel like you do not listen to anyone's posts about mages , others might know a thing or 2 .

It seems to me most mages , especially the higher level ones no longer complain about Mage being underpowered , mages are badass mofos , not only do they have killer direct dps but they have insane indirect dps and are highly regarded in most powerful clans .

Anyways I love playing Mage , it's one of the fun classes , when I play lure Mage it's nice to take it easy in xp , leaves more room for chit chat with the clannies :)
Clan Avalon


Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

Basically, the people complaining revolves around 2 issues.

One being lack of dps
One being energy cost

DPS - Seriously, cant you all wait till update 4 for the caster gear to appear? I have every confidence this will greatly boost dps for all casters.
Energy Cost - I already mentioned this couple of times already.

Warriors- If you are a 100% tank, you deal 0% dps. If you are 100% DPS, you cant tank and probably dps wise losing out to rangers or rogues with good dmg focused
Rangers - While they are most balanced - If you are 100% str build, your light heal will suck and you cant dodge. If you are 100% Dex build, your dps will suck.
Rogues - If you are 100% dps, you will drink idols and pots constantly with aoe bosses unless yr a very smart rogue. If you are 100% vit, your dps will obviously suck
Druids - If you are 100% support, you cant dps and solo level. If you are 100% dps, you probably wont get invited to boss fights.
Mages - If you are 100% DPS, your energy regen will suck due to no ebergy skills invested. If you are 100% support, your dps will suck and cant solo level.

Is it so hard to understand EVERY CLASS have its own double edge sword to choose? Each class can choose to go 100% of one side and bear the Consequence or they can choose to go hybrid which is often a more sensible choice. I understand if mages want to go 100% nuclear bomb. Its your build choice but yea, accept the Consequence of having zero energy regain. Lack of skill points? Dont we all for all classes???

In terms of solo level, it seriously has to be rogues and druids having the hardest to solo level. Mages are no where near them at all. In terms of wyvs, I have seen countless mages being able to solo level wyvs. I kid you not. It can be done and yes, they may have spend a ton of books to figure the right build but again, isnt that the same for all classes? You have to spend x amount of books to figure the buiild that suits your current level.
MorphMarfa has retired from Celtic Heroes and most probably wont be resurfacing. He had a enjoyable time during his druid adventures in Taranis.

Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

But, while a 100% DPS Mage may benefit the Mage in the short run, a near max Lure of Assassins or Lure of Soldiers can have a HUGE impact on a very difficult mob or boss. I choose to be about 70% DPS and 30% support, and I enjoy this build. I can be an asset to a Wyvern group or an Aggagoth kill, but I can also kill many of the red boss Ph's solo for gold and what not.

THANK you, Tog. Finally, somebody gets it.

Ya but can you solo? ;)
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

LOL I always disagree with Piggy. What else is new.
Sorry marco but I call ***, mages my level can solo wyverns, no way in hell that I can
I haven't gotten to that point yet, so I can't speak for that. I'm only level 132.
Mages should not be the top dps class other than certain bosses,
Who says we want to be top?? You ? where did you get that idea. NOT ONE SINGLE POST OF Mine or probably anybody else says that Mages should be number 1. What I am advocating is that Mages are at least on par with melee classes. Why are melee classes so afraid of that??
mages are SUPPORT and nuke damage
Enough with the idiotic support crap. Mages are not support. Even OTM's own F'ing description of mages doesn't say support.
mages indirectly cause the most damage in a group with good lures

And how many @$@#%@ times do I have to say this also. If you put points into lures, that's basically all you can do. You can't even attack a bumblebee and win.

And no one answered this question.

If you go full support mage, DO YOUR CLAN MATES GIVE FREELY TO THAT SUPPORT MAGE, GOLD, ELIX, POTS AND IDOLS, and outfit him with the best gear? Probably not. Because that "support" mage will rely on your good graces to level and get gold. If you want that mage to respec everytime, DO YOU GUYS PROVIDE THE ALT BOOKS? Again probably not! Because a lot of people on here only think about their own greedy little selves.
The other big issue I have with mages is that they choose dps spells that suck a crap load of energy but refuse to use energy boost
And which is another point that FLIES RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD.

WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SKILL POINTS FOR THAT. This is because of how the lure system is implemented.
I've tried an energy boost build. Energy boost works great, but you take a major hit in damage spell output AND YOU CAN'T COMPENSATE WITH MELEE DAMAGE, (unless you have the super topend gear). And that's because again of how the idiotic lure system is used.
Honestly if anyone should be complaining about energy it's Druids, they have to constantly cast , use a shitton of energy, but don't have the ability mages do to regain that energy.
HAHAH Well that one I agree on.
I love you bro! Finally someone who understands.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

uzi, fyi i play a mage, only level 92 sure, but its awesome, max lures, cloak, and i can get into any xp group i want to, i tried dps too, it was awesome, i could solo anything my level pretty much and i could completely keep up with energy using energy boost
Your not going to get too far with that build. Get in touch with me when you finish ghosts at lvl 125 ;) (before you give up on him out of frustration that is ;) )
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

I gotta say , it's the same few mages complaining at this point. Tony I think your funny and I enjoy your posts ( I can almost close my eyes and see you ripping your hair out ) but i feel like you do not listen to anyone's posts about mages , others might know a thing or 2 .

It seems to me most mages , especially the higher level ones no longer complain about Mage being underpowered , mages are badass mofos , not only do they have killer direct dps but they have insane indirect dps and are highly regarded in most powerful clans .

Anyways I love playing Mage , it's one of the fun classes , when I play lure Mage it's nice to take it easy in xp , leaves more room for chit chat with the clannies :)

Ok sure... But you did it in the right order. Warrior druid ranger rogue... then if your still feeling like a big spender, mage.

Mage needs to be a main-able class for average joe.


And I could say the same thing that those that dissagree are just the same few ppl. Truth is not many people are active all the time on the forums.
Last edited by mdimarco on Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Mages STILL underpowered at high levels

Basically, the people complaining revolves around 2 issues.

One being lack of dps
One being energy cost
also energy shield cooldown
DPS - Seriously, cant you all wait till update 4 for the caster gear to appear? I have every confidence this will greatly boost dps for all casters.
Im wasting elixers now...
Energy Cost - I already mentioned this couple of times already.

Warriors- If you are a 100% tank, you deal 0% dps. If you are 100% DPS, you cant tank and probably dps wise losing out to rangers or rogues with good dmg focused

No hybrids can tank quite well since they have highest armor in the game...
Rangers - While they are most balanced - If you are 100% str build, your light heal will suck and you cant dodge. If you are 100% Dex build, your dps will suck.
Rogues - If you are 100% dps, you will drink idols and pots constantly with aoe bosses unless yr a very smart rogue. If you are 100% vit, your dps will obviously suck
Druids - If you are 100% support, you cant dps and solo level. If you are 100% dps, you probably wont get invited to boss fights.
Mages - If you are 100% DPS, your energy regen will suck due to no ebergy skills invested. If you are 100% support, your dps will suck and cant solo level.

Is it so hard to understand EVERY CLASS have its own double edge sword to choose? Each class can choose to go 100% of one side and bear the Consequence or they can choose to go hybrid which is often a more sensible choice. I understand if mages want to go 100% nuclear bomb. Its your build choice but yea, accept the Consequence of having zero energy regain. Lack of skill points? Dont we all for all classes???

In terms of solo level, it seriously has to be rogues and druids having the hardest to solo level. Mages are no where near them at all.
No mages have the lowest armor in the game... and rogues out dps us easily with equal gear
In terms of wyvs, I have seen countless mages being able to solo level wyvs. I kid you not. It can be done and yes, they may have spend a ton of books to figure the right build but again, isnt that the same for all classes? You have to spend x amount of books to figure the buiild that suits your current level.
sure they can solo lvl wyverns but it takes forever and $350 worth of sigils and their xp is much less per second than a class that can easily solo normal solo monsters.

Look if any class with a solo build struggles to kill solo monsters their lvl somethin is wrong. I think mage and druid are in this boat up to their neck and to a lesser extent rogues too.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

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