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Re: To reiterate MDI. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAGE.

Remind me where I said use strength? Strength is useless on mages
He must have meant me pig. Another example of his ignorance as he blatantly ignored the context of my post.
Dogorcat3--lvl 183--rogue--Elite

Re: To reiterate MDI. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAGE.

Well how much str do you have in your build? you can't expect good auto attacks with 5 strength. Also, what is your wand ability?
I understand the reasons why some mages dont do this but in alot of your posts you state that auto attack is so great. I'm just reminding you that you also have an auto attack button, you just choose not to use it. losing 50 focus for strength wont hurt you that bad and can make a significant difference in your damage and the trident gives a flat damage as well as some strength bonus and has regen.
Mages autos don't suck because mages are bad at them, it is because they don't have any stats to support them.

...having 5 str and doing auto attacks on a mage does not work.
The idea that you only hit for 30 with wand is based on your stats and gear, this is a choice you make not a requirement .
Just to clear something up, unless the weapon you use has a physical component (slash, pierce, or crush damage), strength does not affect the damage dealt with that weapon. Most wands do not have a physical component; they typically only deal magic damage, fire damage, or cold damage. There are a few exceptions, such as the Wand of Hollows, which deals 15 magic damage and 2 crush damage, but all in all telling a mage to add strength to increase wand damage is poor advice.

Also, as far as I know, strength does not increase the damage dealt when using your bare hands. Because mages cannot equip knuckleblades, a mage h2h build is stuck with bare hands. Thus, telling a mage to add strength to increase hand to hand damage is also poor advice.

Please do not take this as my having a stake in the argument over whether or not to use a mage, or whether they should or should not be dps or support. I am simply correcting an apparent misunderstanding with regards to the strength stat and it's usefulness to a mage.
Qumar, 130 Druid, Danu

Re: To reiterate MDI. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAGE.

quamar, I have always assumed that hand to hand had a crushing component that relied on strength. After looking a little closer it seems you're right about the bare hands but the books from agg have crushing damage on them. I did not think too much about the wand because I figured someone that was going to rely on autos at all would choose a wand with some crushing damage :p If I'm not mistaken, the ymir weps have significant crushing damage.

In all honesty, I'm not suggesting that autos are a good idea for a mage but I am suggesting that they have the ability to use autos if they so choose.
Last edited by Dogorcat3 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dogorcat3--lvl 183--rogue--Elite

Re: To reiterate MDI. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAGE.

We are pretty much saying if you don't gear and spec for autos, than don't expect them to be amazing. I don't gear for skills and thus I can't use them. I recently removed Assa and Sneaky and put them in other random solo things because I didn't have enough max energy to even cast the skills, but that is to be expected with 10 focus. It would be wrong for me to have 10 focus and unable to cast the skills, and come here and complain about it.
Petition to Eliminate "No Shaming" Rule from World Forums!

Re: To reiterate MDI. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAGE.

Well how much str do you have in your build? you can't expect good auto attacks with 5 strength. Also, what is your wand ability?

Additionally, hand to hand is a good option for mages because when you get agg drops the books use hand to hand ability. Put a trident or some other form of damage in your offhand and you will notice a significant difference in your auto attk ability.

Omg the noob 0.o
Listen :
-Strenght dont affect magic , fure , ice dmg so its useless to put strenght on a mage with wand
-wand ability up ur chance to hit with a wand , not the power of the wand
-aggy books have been created for the stats ( ability and focus ) which help a lot us mage , we dont care the h2h
- if u want a melee build with h2h , dont take a book , it will slow ur attack like hell for not really big dmg
You should go back to rogue forum imo ...

Mage ftw

Re: To reiterate MDI. Do not choose a Mage.

Well how much str do you have in your build? you can't expect good auto attacks with 5 strength. Also, what is your wand ability?

Additionally, hand to hand is a good option for mages because when you get agg drops the books use hand to hand ability. Put a trident or some other form of damage in your offhand and you will notice a significant difference in your auto attk ability.

Omg the noob 0.o
Listen :
-Strenght dont affect magic , fure , ice dmg so its useless to put strenght on a mage with wand
-wand ability up ur chance to hit with a wand , not the power of the wand
-aggy books have been created for the stats ( ability and focus ) which help a lot us mage , we dont care the h2h
- if u want a melee build with h2h , dont take a book , it will slow ur attack like hell for not really big dmg
You should go back to rogue forum imo ...
Do these people have a 3rd grade education? Scroll up two posts...we have covered this.
Dogorcat3--lvl 183--rogue--Elite

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