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Re: I just have to get this off my chest

No smoke without fire. You lied before and will continue to be lying in the futur.

For instance you quitted berserkers on your own will after you publicly admited in our clan chat that your lied about not insulting Sarge, who quitted our clan because of you quite long time ago. (even if we don't regret his departure at all, it does not justify the way you lied)

The decision that was made at that time with Luk and Jr, was not to fire you, but simply to put you back as a recruit for a month. but you were too much a proud jerk to even accept that. Now you lie again telling to all that I fired you from Berserkers. But in fact I really did not. You were once again simply too proud to accept your really comprehensive punishment. (If it was not for Jr and Luk, yes I would have fired your ass)

So Snipes yes you are a liar and your behave simply in a rude manner. But like Hiyo who's a jerk and was fired from ancients, was forgiven and took back in ancients, you may be also forgiven your jerk behaviour once again. (NB : Hiyo recently scammed an ancient and was fired again : I officially give the golden medal of the most forgiving clan to Ancients !!! Lol)

My best advice : delete your acc and reborn with a new name and a new behaviour... Here I even give you some ideas : what about Snoopdoggy or Snoopy ? Lololol
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: I just have to get this off my chest

No smoke without fire. You lied before and will continue to be lying in the futur.

For instance you quitted berserkers on your own will after you publicly admited in our clan chat that your lied about not insulting Sarge, who quitted our clan because of you quite long time ago. (even if we don't regret his departure at all, it does not justify the way you lied)

The decision that was made at that time with Luk and Jr, was not to fire you, but simply to put you back as a recruit for a month Lololol

Oh shadow... Poor poor shadow... Still looking into your fake past? U were once an honorable player yourself... What titles have u earned... *greedy* *scammer*... I understand u have some dirt to your name aswell... I didnt make this thread to make a pissing contest between u old foes so please stay on topic or screw off...

Thanks :)

Re: I just have to get this off my chest

okay i would like to start with shadow go **** urself, if u want i'll give u the name of the smallest 'le peniiis' clan to bersker of the year!!! CONGRATS!!

Back to the topic... Snipes still has a name to prove. You shadow don't have any right to just trample over a player. Back off ppl for once and learn something from my chieftain who is a understanding and forgiving man.

Now snipes, i believe that everyone just got caught up in the heat at the time. From the information i recieved, it was quite a clear and similar story. Thanks to both artio and u. Now to conclude, i will just say to move on. Everyoe got a little carried away, if callu doesnmt mind and artio confirmed himself, you are wrlcome to rejoin. It was just a missunderstanding. Can we get along please? lol

Snipes your still a deccent player. Let ppl say what they want about u but SHADOW just doesn't believe ppl can change. Or whoever he hates remains that way. Mainly to be honest he will not accept them at all to the point he does not ewn want to hear them (Blocks) So please. Take some time, artio himself belives u jst needed to cool down and then he was goinf to reinvite u.
Me personally, i think your a cool kid, always rocking the clan chat up. Can get a little serious and dangerous, but hey i like dangerous :P
Consider this snipes. Please rejoin to Ancients.

As far as Hiyo goes, that's one thing you got right shadow.

(P.S. sorry about the typos, i got a limit till wife sees me :( )


Shadow disliked me for a while after a mess-up over Bubulus (S007 needed for quest, and apparently I rejectet his group request in the midst of battle).
Lets just say Shadow/S007 got even on me and we're ok now.
I am sure this testimony is not sufficient to earn Shadow the suffix "...the merciful", but were not getting anywhere by this constant demonizing.
Rule of thumb is: show respect and you get respect, play fair and most will treat you fair, and if you disagree about something, be constructive, insults and swearing will not get you closer to a solution
Lugh - clan Ancients
Derken - Warrior (general)
Pointy - Rogue
Glob - Ranger
IsleOfLamp - Mage
Herculager - Warrior
Kefse - Druid


Uhmmm.. Guys, Why do you all Get so worked Up over this. Too much Drama in Game, we Have too Focus on Making lugh a friendly community again, First by limiting Harassment and Rudeness, Were not 5 year olds, We don't have too Bicker every 10-20minutes. Honestly -.- ~~ SeaSlay


Oh no thoro has found another post!! First off im sick of people crying about shadow is this and shadow is that. If shadow is a *** then leave him alone. Does shadow controll lugh hmmmmmm nope. Does people listen and follow him hmmm yes. Wanna know why because he knows what in the hell he is talking about. Yes yes people say he is a *** an ass and cant forget a dictator. You know what though i have never had a issue with him. Wanna know why cause i dont cry about the stuff he does. Did u ever just think he does this stuff to help. Im sure u wont c it that way. For the simple reason u would rather hate on him and cry about stuff. I have said what i think so bring on the thoro u say this or that because he likes u. Or because u are a higher lvl or some other bs. Idc whatever it is i will prolly get a much needed laugh.

"Strap on your Thor helmet and do the fandango."
Missing my Lil sammy :(

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