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Selling Golden Camo charm

Selling Golden Camo Charm for 3 mil. Last one I know of was sold in Sulis for 2 mil, and it was only on the market because it was scammed off someone. Hit me up in game if you gots da cash.

Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

Re: Selling Golden Camo charm

Sorry to intrude on your world forum .

You guys sell camos outside of your own clans ?
I have been trying to sell my camo in clan for over a month now. And haven't had any serious offers. So, yea. Aggra drops, Crests, and Rad drops are kept in clan tho.

Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

Re: Selling Golden Camo charm

Selling Golden Camo Charm for 3 mil. Last one I know of was sold in Sulis for 2 mil, and it was only on the market because it was scammed off someone. Hit me up in game if you gots da cash.

ya lost 2 mill that day sucks:(
Clan:Best clan ever Badabing!
I miss you oZAXo

Re: Selling Golden Camo charm

Selling Golden Camo Charm for 3 mil. Last one I know of was sold in Sulis for 2 mil, and it was only on the market because it was scammed off someone. Hit me up in game if you gots da cash.

ya lost 2 mill that day sucks:(
You didn't lose anything, you have away 2 Million because Aiolia can manipulate you so easily...

“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: Selling Golden Camo charm

Selling Golden Camo Charm for 3 mil. Last one I know of was sold in Sulis for 2 mil, and it was only on the market because it was scammed off someone. Hit me up in game if you gots da cash.

ya lost 2 mill that day sucks:(
You didn't lose anything, you have away 2 Million because Aiolia can manipulate you so easily...

You can manipulate too aio didnt ask for it back i offered to give back
Clan:Best clan ever Badabing!
I miss you oZAXo

Re: Selling Golden Camo charm

ya lost 2 mill that day sucks:(
You didn't lose anything, you have away 2 Million because Aiolia can manipulate you so easily...

You can manipulate too aio didnt ask for it back i offered to give back
You make me laugh with every post.
He manipulated you into offering it...

And either way, you never "lost" anything...
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

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