Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Halloween costume

Are you getting a costume this year? If you are,then who is it? I'm gonna be the prince from Katamari Damacy! Hurray for random things! :D
Kite of the azure flame

IGN: Kite
World : mabon
Class: rogue lvl 32

Re: Halloween costume

I enjoy giving out king sized Hersheys bars to kids on Halloween...

I'll wear whatever someone in this thread tells me to. For reals.
Server: Taranis
"TMNT" Level 37 DexDruid
"Twink" Level 37 PvP Rogue (Soon as it comes out :D)
Sleep really makes one feel rested...

Re: Halloween costume

Because this is the Celtic Heroes forum I would like you to go as a Celt. =]

We don't really celebrate halloween over here. (Netherlands)
Hmm...Mmkay, I'll be a celt.
Server: Taranis
"TMNT" Level 37 DexDruid
"Twink" Level 37 PvP Rogue (Soon as it comes out :D)
Sleep really makes one feel rested...

Re: Halloween costume

Because this is the Celtic Heroes forum I would like you to go as a Celt. =]

We don't really celebrate halloween over here. (Netherlands)
Hmm...Mmkay, I'll be a celt.
Post a pic! :D

I'm probably not going to have a costume. Hehe.
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

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