Target lock is total crap. Like wtf. Who came up with this idea? There's absolutely no point. There's gonna be even more complaining from the PLAT BUYERS then there is noobs from target lock. Honestly OTM. Listen to your damn long term players. Who have been playin for over a year. Spent their fair share of plat. Jesus its not difficult. Yall answer some of the dumbest things and answer problems with idiotic answers. You really need to like appoint like a few players from each server, experienced players. Who play often for christs sake. Who pay your bills. Like idk maybe some sort of cross server Senate or some crap like that. Seriously get some good ideas. Not answer mental problems from noobs who scream they got KSed and in reality they just lost a fight. No such thing as KS. It's just one group winning. Usually the better group. Seriously?! Target lock?! Who in the hell came up with that. They need to be slapped.
Sorry for the rant. Just dang. Makes no sense. I've been playing MMO for over 10 years now and I've never saw a GOOD and SUCCESSFUL game have target lock except one. One good game out there that does it. And it's loads of crap. Pisses a lot of people off. Seriously if your tired of losing, lvl the hell up. Get good gear. Try hard. All of us 150+ either spent hours lvlin, days, weeks, months lvlin. Seriously. Not too hard to be good. Sheesh.
If OTM goes through with this I could honestly seeing a lot of rogues asking for plat refunds.
After all, Songz did spend over $400 in plat just so he can do the fairytail thing people call "kill steal".