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overpriced platinum

I hate how I spend $200 and only get 1mil!!! It goes so quickly, and we barley get anything out of it. You should really create a monthly plan system, where you pay a certain amount and get like 1000plat a month, Maybe for a 1 year membership or something you get a certain amount or something. And next to your name is a star or sign indicating your a gold or plat member. Also they should be awarded special items. Thanks, hope this post changes something :) [DeadShadows, Mabon, Level 100]
Level: 226+ Mage
Level: 130 Rogue
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Clan: Nova
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/deadshadows

Re: ADMIN READ THIS (overpriced platinum)

True. One hundred freakin dollars for only 4000 plat is totally a rip-off. It is also a waste to convert it to gold btw. It should be 100 gold for 10,000 plat. I mean, the game has no loss cuz admin and those ppl can create as much as they want.
World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar/ Elite
-Rogue: Lvl 150+
-Mage: Lvl 137+
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Re: ADMIN READ THIS (overpriced platinum)

True. One hundred freakin dollars for only 4000 plat is totally a rip-off. It is also a waste to convert it to gold btw. It should be 100 gold for 10,000 plat. I mean, the game has no loss cuz admin and those ppl can create as much as they want.
That is why u buy plat items and sell them and not buy the gold packages ...
Vilicrrrrrrrex is back
Level 174 Ranger
Full Dragonlord (No wep still rocking the ancient wyrmbone)

Re: overpriced platinum

As if James buys plat, the 100$ for 4000 play is not an issue

4000 plat for 500k is an issue
That's why u dont buy the gold
U buy the elixirs and or idols an sell i can make 1 mill with 4k plat
Vilicrrrrrrrex is back
Level 174 Ranger
Full Dragonlord (No wep still rocking the ancient wyrmbone)

Re: overpriced platinum

I could make more than that if I sold my plat, I refuse to sell for less than 300g per plat as any less is a waste of money
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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