overpriced platinum
#1I hate how I spend $200 and only get 1mil!!! It goes so quickly, and we barley get anything out of it. You should really create a monthly plan system, where you pay a certain amount and get like 1000plat a month, Maybe for a 1 year membership or something you get a certain amount or something. And next to your name is a star or sign indicating your a gold or plat member. Also they should be awarded special items. Thanks, hope this post changes something
[DeadShadows, Mabon, Level 100]

Level: 226+ Mage
Level: 130 Rogue
Level: 190+ Druid
Level: 100+ Warrior (DeadLevels)
Clan: Nova
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/deadshadows
Level: 226+ Mage
Level: 130 Rogue
Level: 190+ Druid
Level: 100+ Warrior (DeadLevels)
Clan: Nova
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/deadshadows