I have never see here in forums that dominating clan is always bashing the underdog clans, only primes does that, insecurity maybe ?
Or how you bully your own members on to quit ? Sorry to see blitz and skull gone do to primitis.
They quit because they started playing O&C and probably got sick of the year long wait in between updates, it had nothing to do with our clan. Most of our clan members are very happy to be a part of our clan.
You say that only the high levels get gear and such, but every member of our clan is geared exceptionally well, especially in comparison towards your clan, if your clan's system works so wonderfully, why is this? We have had members come from your clan saying, OMG, Laws tried selling me a Purple Bear crest for 250K, I am so happy to get it here for free.
Now, I am not dissing your guys system, if it works for you guys and your happy with charging your own members for drops and your members are happy with that than more power to you, but for you to diss our system when it obviously works for us, this is just a tad ridiculous. You left because of the systems here and because you wanted a more laid back approach to the game, which is fine and I can respect that, but just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone does. Everyone enjoys playing their own game differently.
I have never see here in forums that dominating clan is always bashing the underdog clans, only primes does that, insecurity maybe ?
Or how you bully your own members on to quit ? Sorry to see blitz and skull gone do to primitis.
They quit because they started playing O&C and probably got sick of the year long wait in between updates, it had nothing to do with our clan. Most of our clan members are very happy to be a part of our clan.
You say that only the high levels get gear and such, but every member of our clan is geared exceptionally well, especially in comparison towards your clan, if your clan's system works so wonderfully, why is this? We have had members come from your clan saying, OMG, Laws tried selling me a Purple Bear crest for 250K, I am so happy to get it here for free.
Now, I am not dissing your guys system, if it works for you guys and your happy with charging your own members for drops and your members are happy with that than more power to you, but for you to diss our system when it obviously works for us, this is just a tad ridiculous. You left because of the systems here and because you wanted a more laid back approach to the game, which is fine and I can respect that, but just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone does. Everyone enjoys playing their own game differently.
Ahhhh....guff u fell into the same mantra trap:/ showcasing my fame in post (dont follow the rest of goons)
So hey no offence taken. And u know i mean it
Well yea as everyone knows on danu....including primes IM THE GO TO GUY !!!
UNBREAKS liberated the FREE MARKET IN DANU.....this includes CRESTS !! Shout it from the rooftops
( Ssshhh crests sellin is a dirty word in prime ) actually its an OFFENCE !! Thats wat they want u to hand them all in
So then we can keep these slaves under control.....peasants we shall call them
But all those peasants then turn to me and my clan....ppsssttttt.....have you got spare bear crests for sale
Oh but thats not the end of the story....oohhhh NO
But wat about all those abundance of crests that prime brag about havin????? Wat happens to them
Ahhhhhh....we shall make secret little nooby characters in the castle.....and make sure we whisper and target those who look like they might need !!!
Ohhhhh but how do we cover our tracks?? GOT IT ........LAWSDOG