Your on a game which the main language is English think about that, I couldn't care less for quotes either
No lo creo este juego tiene una poblacion multi-cultural , multi-bilingue capaz de entender otro idioma para jugarle , ES tu ignorancia que te hace decir es basado en ingles solamente . Gracias a este tipo de juego multiculturales puedes aprender de muchas otras cultural y expander tus conocimientos.
Pero las personas ignorantes e inmaduras solo pueden ofender , aprender algo te mata por que solo puedes ver lo que te an enzeñado a ver .
I dont think so , this game have a multi-cultural base and pretty multi-language and most this players are so smart to understand another laguange to be able to play it , because of your own ignorance you cant see all this and say is english only , the game is only coded in english thats because limitation of otm. But if put a bit of effort you can learn alot about other cultures.
But all inmature and ignorant person like you can only just offends. Because if you put bit of you to learn something and that can kill you.