Alright, so for the last three and a half weeks I've been leveling my alt rogue and I'm still stuck on the meteoric weapon quest. I've been playing on it for about four hours a day and spend at least an hour and a half chilling in SV trying to get my last wisp. Is it just me, or does this quest need to be edited for the appropriate level players? I mean, since the update most players don't get their meteoric weapon till they are level 100 (from what I have noticed). I don't want this fixed just so I can get my last wisp, it just seems silly that players have to neglect grinding in other world so they can go back to content they out grew to wait for a rare spawn. I think it would be beneficial to make these wisps also spawn in other world to help avoid frustration for the upcoming players. Keys face it, most players are casual players and don't have the luxury to play for four hours at night. I could see this quest becoming way too much of a hassle for some players.
This was done on my phone. Sorry for the post not being very organized.
anyone else think the meteoric weapon quest needs revamped?
#1Awen1: 220, Ranger
BladeZ: 220, Rogue
Dmg: 200, Mage
Server: Morrigan
BladeZ: 220, Rogue
Dmg: 200, Mage
Server: Morrigan