Celtic Heroes

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Question about the zodiac to frozen transition

As everyone knows, when you upgrade from zodiac to frozen you have to turn in the old set. My question is if it would be possible for support to give me my original zodiac gear that I can wear as 'fashion' when not using frozen. I really like the look of the zodiac gear and wish I could wear it when I'm not wearing frozen.

Same goes for the dagger, it would be awesome if I could have copies of meteoric dagger and dagger of the darkest night

This wouldn't be unreasonable I don't think as they are items I earned and will give me no advantage other than looks
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Question about the zodiac to frozen transition

I don't think such a request would be possible unfortunately.

I can understand why you would want to have less powerful armour pieces as fashion (I used to do the same in WoW on my Rogue), but the only way I can see for this to happen would be for the quest to change so that it didn't require you to hand in your Zodiac armour.
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Re: Question about the zodiac to frozen transition

I wonder if a work around (sometime in the future) could be to have a fashion vendor who could sell cheap NO-TRADE fashion copies of the quest armour.

Hold on... I know what you are going to say... you don't want low levels wearing Met knock-offs.

So the same way that there are quests to unlock some vendors, let the requirement to view this fashion vendor be that you have to have completed the Warden quest. (I think this vendor should be named Schwarden, or VVarden... that's two Vs, btw)

ex. Someone who has not completed Warden would get a reply similar to "Ah, I'm expecting a boatload of nice products, but they haven't arrived yet. Come back later."

Once you get your actual Warden, you could gain access to the Warden line of clothing, where Scwarden then says "I received a partial shipment... take a look at these fine garments. No one will know the difference. I should be receiving the rest shortly."

Once you get your Upgrades, it unlocks the next portion of the shop. So on and so forth, until you are ultimately able to purchase a gold coloured Rolox to wear on your wrist ;)
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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