Sorry, don't know why that's so funny, but it is...wait, yes I do.He'll even Matt
During this self giggle moment, here are a few of my tips for those in Gwydion and Celtic Heroes who have not been "hacked" as of today or maybe could use a bit of advice:
Question: "Can I trust you?"
Answer: "No, Trust No One."
Q: "What is your username on X-box live or PSN"
A: "It's Misterbojangles(no not really my name), but I was smart enough to not use the same user name when I created my account here because I did not want to get "hacked" or make it easy for you to gain access to my account, so shove off."
Q: "Can I borrow your stuff?"
A: "No, shove off."
Q: "Can I try your broom?"
A: "No, shove off".
Q: "Can I have some gold?"
A: "No, shove off."
Q: "You trust me right?"
A: "No, you could be a serial killer for all I know on the other side of a silly little device, never met you in person and even if I have, still going to assume only bad things will follow if I decide you give you all of my personal information so that you can "hack" into my account or scam me out of all that I have worked so hard to get. Fru, says to tell people like you to shove off."
Q: "Wanna play a game to win money?"
A: "So you are what happens when Mom doesn't hug you enough as a child...NO, shove off"
Q: "Wanna buy this account?"
A: "No, it could be a stolen account or you can twist things around by accusing me of stealing it, plus it's in violation of the TOS and I may get banned from this game, so I will put forth the effort to create one of my, shove off."
Sorry, was bored today on lunch.