I was just adding pierce my mistake can be poison damage or elemental for rogues and rangers damage .I don't wanna see straight elemental damage on Dragonscale. I think it's got to be some elemental and some melee (pierce/crush/slash).
Pierce/crush/slash is variable depending on your stats, elemental damage isn't.
Where are you getting that from Fro?
ROGUES AND RANGERS ARMOUR SHOULD BE BETTER THAN RADIANT FOR DPS. Warriors Dragonscale should offer some damage, but shouldn't out-do Radiant.
Warriors should be able to do some damage but not compare. You expect and want too much Fromen. You want warriors to rival the dps of rogues and rangers which is insane.. It's same old thing every post, you trying to defend your opinions that no one else agrees with.
Make all warrior full tanks add only 1/2 of the damage to armor the rogue and ranger in the that will traslate.
If rogue have 300 add damage and warriors have 150 . The rogue will hit. 150+ per hit and the warrior will hit 75 per hit thats sound awesome . At current delays 2 warrior hits are in the same time frame then 3 rogue hits
The armor of rogue will add in 3 hits 450 in the same amount time the warriors only add 2 hits 150 and you got be lvl 180 . Upgrade the armor 4 times . To add less damage then a current offhand blade.
Even in the same damage a warrior will never out dps a rogue if you believe so well ...
Yes im been a close mind idiot and Im sorry ....