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Spam harrassment issue


Currently I am having and issue where another player become upset cause I kept using idols on a boss and with a friend managed to take the boss down now said player who was upset by this logs on alts and alts probably from other accounts and just whisper spams me none stop. He keeps rezoning and hiding his character when he does this making it hard to block and if I manage to block one he is back in 2 seconds with another constantly spamming me basically blocking all my communication in game. I would like to know what is the proper course of action to take and if nothing can be done. I would like to know if I can have everything on my account fully refunded by ch, one thumb mobile or just go through another party to have it done.

The sooner this can be handled the better as my game play is now restricted due to this one player.
I would also hazard a guess that this person doing this probally has already had alot of people report him.
I have done up a ticket however would like to know the best course of action to take and what will be done.

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