I'm going to have to agree with Rapid on this one. Sorry. Firstly, no one has any access to any of your details, even, if they had access (albeit OTM employees) to the files on the server(s). What I mean is that the data is encrypted (probably SHA-1 or MD5) in such that only the client can supply the key (which is also encrypted on the client-side before the frame is sent via the write). They need your exact login and passphrase to even input or change the email. Regardless, if they already had access to your account, it's not a requirement to supply one to change the passphrase. My advice is that you give up on the account and the post and do a better job at handling your actions with your next account. I'm also going to say that I am refraining from any discussion about whether or not you are in fact pulling a scam or are one of the many scammers we have here in rhi.
Re: My Account Geeko has been Hacked! Also took 300k+ in ite