This is the first prime account that was sold, and at the point of when it was sold she wasn't even in the clan! She was kicked over a month before this haha! And we do not condone it in any way shape or form, it was a prime account that was sold it would of been imediatly kicked and you know that! S you don't play dumb, well atleast I think you are playing it.
No carpets were the only thing that were exchanged why would we even need to abuse the game like that? Most of us are already extremely rich, by creating multiple rare items we are only losing old ourselves please fromen use that muscle in side your cranium.
Nah I don't have an issue with grammar haha! You have seen me talk in game when I'm relaxed typos, no commas, no punctuation incorrect spelling, like I said you asked me to teach you English and this is what I am doing!
As dogma has said you and lawsdog are both over twice my age! Yet you still feel the need to get the last word when all topic of convosation has pointed you in that direction where you yourself doubt yourself. What I say on the forums is 110% truthfull otherwise why would I feel the need to say it or even waste a second typing? With you it is a different story you have most likely been mis-informed so please fromen advise for the future, do not come to the forms on SECOND HAND INFORMATION!
Well you really want open the can of worms ,I got nothing againts prime but if you keep pushing we will put all names of players who may have buy accounts from real money or another games currency .
You want to said all the players who share their info to compete .
all other accounts you have gain access at one time or another. I mean i been trying to keep it private but i can easy put all those names here.
Then we can argue if is the first time you should learn not to dig your own should learn when to keep quiet cause here in forums is alot info about some of those accounts.
Do your clan a favor and stop before you put the name of all those other accounts here in forums please .