Papi, addiction is different. Yes people who are very addicted to hard drugs will do violent things to get their fix, but while high violence just doesn't happen, that part of your brain is disabled
When you say its disabled, you may not be violent but your are just as much a threat as when "disabled", your common sense goes straight down the crapper. Your logic is flawed. And if someone wants you dead, they can kill you multiple other ways.
Explain to me why you need a gun? I understand the farm situation yes.. But why do u need a tool that has the possibility to murder so many people by the hands of one person. Dont bring up law abiding citizens. Most of these horrible shootings were by law abiding citizens. Anyone has the potential to snap and go on a rampage. The problem with guns is that they give this person the ability to massacre countless innocent people without being stopped.
And how do you reckon the person would get stopped? Guns. You can't take away guns. Period. Its in the Bill Of Rights. You take that away, then your freedom is gone. You can't stop the government. Who knows what amendment theyll remove next. And you might say that other amendments dont allow you to carry violent weapons, but i what about freedom of speech and press? Those are the most powerful rights of all. What if someone actually starts to convice people that guns shouldn't be taken away? Will they take away those freedoms? If the government takes away ONE freedom, ANY freedom that the people of this country have lived with for so many years, one that makes our country unique amongst the world, then you might as well elect a dictator to president and allow him to start taking away your rights.