To, me, I'm a lvl 80 Druid with Nature Magic at 800/800. I've been playing around with my skills some...
Shield of Bark 15/15
It gives me 170 armor. Pretty good imho.
Natures Embrace 15/15
72/tick. Not bad either.
Natues Touch 15/15
Does 477. Casting time and cool off is too long imho. Also, it would be nice to have it a little stronger.
Roots 15/15
I'm still not able to root Pony and Papa Druid. They need to be stronger.
Strangling Vines (12/15) and Lightning (13/15)
Druids are known for taking longer to kill mobs. I don't mind, but I'd wish that it would not affect the time it takes to lvl. I am thankful that at least lightning cannot be interrupted anymore.
Howling Wind 15/15
I tried it on Druid and it didn't seem to make a difference. It made healing the tank no easier imho.
Calm 15/15
After reading the post about calm I decided to try it out. I was in a group when trying it, don't a boss hunt and used it on a mob that attack me. Casting clam on him didn't do any difference. He was just as mad at me. In comparison, lure works great for warriors, but when a druid wants to get an enemy off their back it fails.
Abundance 15/15
It gives me 400 hp. At 8/15 it gave me 350 hp. Seriously? 400 hp way too low for a good lvl 80+ tank since it doesn't do much of a difference. I've tried it on me (I have 1.5k hp) and it barely did a dent in my hp bar. The good thing is that it casts immediately.
It was essential in boss fights at lvl 50 but irrelevant now.
I've been playing a warrior tank for a bit, and what I noticed at first was that skills don't get interrupted. They cast almost instantly and are really strong too. However, essential druid skills, such as natures touch, are interrupted often if an enemy attacks while other skills are close to useless.

A group heal would be great for bosses like fellfire that cast cloak of fire.
Well, those were my experiences. Please share yours.