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Druid Skills

So, I wanted to talk about druid skills. I've been playing other classes and had some time to compare.

To, me, I'm a lvl 80 Druid with Nature Magic at 800/800. I've been playing around with my skills some...

Shield of Bark 15/15
It gives me 170 armor. Pretty good imho.

Natures Embrace 15/15
72/tick. Not bad either.

Natues Touch 15/15
Does 477. Casting time and cool off is too long imho. Also, it would be nice to have it a little stronger.

Roots 15/15
I'm still not able to root Pony and Papa Druid. They need to be stronger.

Strangling Vines (12/15) and Lightning (13/15)
Druids are known for taking longer to kill mobs. I don't mind, but I'd wish that it would not affect the time it takes to lvl. I am thankful that at least lightning cannot be interrupted anymore.

Howling Wind 15/15
I tried it on Druid and it didn't seem to make a difference. It made healing the tank no easier imho.

Calm 15/15
After reading the post about calm I decided to try it out. I was in a group when trying it, don't a boss hunt and used it on a mob that attack me. Casting clam on him didn't do any difference. He was just as mad at me. In comparison, lure works great for warriors, but when a druid wants to get an enemy off their back it fails.

Abundance 15/15
It gives me 400 hp. At 8/15 it gave me 350 hp. Seriously? 400 hp way too low for a good lvl 80+ tank since it doesn't do much of a difference. I've tried it on me (I have 1.5k hp) and it barely did a dent in my hp bar. The good thing is that it casts immediately.

It was essential in boss fights at lvl 50 but irrelevant now.

I've been playing a warrior tank for a bit, and what I noticed at first was that skills don't get interrupted. They cast almost instantly and are really strong too. However, essential druid skills, such as natures touch, are interrupted often if an enemy attacks while other skills are close to useless. :( I like the idea behind abundance, calm and howling wind, but if they don't do a significant improvement in a fight I can't use them.

A group heal would be great for bosses like fellfire that cast cloak of fire.

Well, those were my experiences. Please share yours.

Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Druid Skills

We had dmg increase.
From update till this day I went from lvl 54 - 58
But I'm bit bored by gameplay. I changed to dmg but I found it no fun. So changed back to full healing again.
I like talking to people and do some boss fights.

I would like to see all classes get more balanced towards each other.

Every class rez skill.
Tank skills
heal skills
dps skills

So that every class can do everything.

Also an add to game because rez = invincible
A death penalty, everytime someone ressurect you you get a X% death penalty. this will go up to X% and can't go over that amount.
To lose this penalty you need to respawn at a leystone and walk back the way to the boss. (Or kill X mobs to lose X%)
Follow me & keep in contact :D
The Tavern Discord Server

Re: Druid Skills

Thank you very much for your topic! That's really what I was looking for a long time!

Funny, the topic I stared "Druid skills" didn't find any response. I guess it all depends on the topic starter then )))

What about meditate, why do you think it is irrelevant? I can't imagine waiting for my 700 mana pool to regenerate while adding standard +2 mana every 5 seconds. My meditate (lvl 15) gives me about +12 additional MP every tick, which is ok, not great.

Recently I found out that you can buy and use "Mana boost", which regenerates your mana even in combat for 30 seconds, but on lvl 1 "Mana boost" gives you +1 additional MP every 5 seconds, so it gets to 6 additional mana for use and it costs 10 MP, which makes it economically useless. I wonder if the situations becomes better if the spell is maxed.

Thanks again for your detailed topic!
ZorG @ Rhiannon : 84 ~ Druid

Re: Druid Skills

Thank you very much for your topic! That's really what I was looking for a long time!

Funny, the topic I stared "Druid skills" didn't find any response. I guess it all depends on the topic starter then )))

What about meditate, why do you think it is irrelevant? I can't imagine waiting for my 700 mana pool to regenerate while adding standard +2 mana every 5 seconds. My meditate (lvl 15) gives me about +12 additional MP every tick, which is ok, not great.

Recently I found out that you can buy and use "Mana boost", which regenerates your mana even in combat for 30 seconds, but on lvl 1 "Mana boost" gives you +1 additional MP every 5 seconds, so it gets to 6 additional mana for use and it costs 10 MP, which makes it economically useless. I wonder if the situations becomes better if the spell is maxed.

Thanks again for your detailed topic!
Aww, sorry I didn't see your topic or I would have posted there!

I wrote, that Mediate was important for me at lvl 50 boss fights, so it is important for lower lvls that built their Druids for solo runs. I'm a lvl 80 with 700 energy and a ton of sigals and never run out. :D I'm just saying that at higher lvl you can throw that skill out.

If a Druid is built as a pure healer he shouldn't run out either. I have a lvl 27 Druid that I always group with my lvl 28 Mage. My Druid can't kill on his own, has low health but real high energy and doesn't run out either.

I would welcome I natural high energy regeneration for Druids though, since they are dependent on their skills in battle (when soloing and in a group).
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Druid Skills

I wanted to throw my two cents into this as well!

I think xell has done a great job in explaining these skills! I recently reworked my Druid and the reason was because I often group with other Druids and I noticed that the buffs like bark amd embrace do not stack! So if you cast one of these in a boss fight after another Druid casts it your tank will resist! And you have just wasted the warm up time for your spell! So I decided to try the skills below:

I nerfed abundance and roots to 1 to add the skills below

Howling wind 15/15 - although this appears to have no effect.
I have to say that it seems to help against mele more. The pony/big uni seems to be a good boss to use this on. The big problem is there is virtually know way to know the effect of this spell. Regardless I will cast it because the other druid is casting embrace and or bark. I have had tanks say that it is helping. So I will continue this strategy.

Natures embrace 15/15
Although this one has the chance to get resisted if another druid has casted, I decided that as a healing class this needed to be in may areasenal. It is especially useful when I outrank the other Druid.

Lightening an vines 15/15
Again I nerfed abundance bc of xells info and also bark because of the issues with staking. I maxed these simply for leveling purposes. Since I also nerfed my roots I have pumped more points into vitality. I'm a mini Druid tank and can kill all but masters and a few 4 star Druids in the grove. My max health is over 1500 and I was able to survive 4 fireballs from fire Titan !

As I progress and leveling is no longer a concern my plans are to max bark in leiu of one of the offensive skills. Oh my Druid is level 70.
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Druid Skills

Ive got an update on the skill CALM:

It worked great on my ranger during todays boss hunts. Not so much on myself though. I cast it like 6 times when I was targeted and it didn't work. :( It's certainly in need of improvement.
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Druid Skills

Hi fellow Druids!

This is a great topic! I thought I should tell you about my skill choices. I have played around lots and have finally found a compromise for both levelling and healing. I use only nautures touch, shield of bark, natures touch and natures abundance. I use lightening and vines. All these skills are at 15 and I am at 870 magic and staff. I now use mana pots and do not seem to have to use them too often, as I did purchase several energy sigals.

I can solo all bosses at catacombs and some lower levels at Shalemont. I cannot solo Druid masters without health pots:(

I am worried about our class as lots of tanks are eating pots to fight bosses and therefore do not need a Druids help. I find it more exciting to be able to work independently, thus levelling quicker. I was very thankful that my skills are not interrupted as they were prior to update. :P

Re: Druid Skills

Hi fellow Druids!

This is a great topic! I thought I should tell you about my skill choices. I have played around lots and have finally found a compromise for both levelling and healing. I use only nautures touch, shield of bark, natures touch and natures abundance. I use lightening and vines. All these skills are at 15 and I am at 870 magic and staff. I now use mana pots and do not seem to have to use them too often, as I did purchase several energy sigals.

I can solo all bosses at catacombs and some lower levels at Shalemont. I cannot solo Druid masters without health pots:(

I am worried about our class as lots of tanks are eating pots to fight bosses and therefore do not need a Druids help. I find it more exciting to be able to work independently, thus levelling quicker. I was very thankful that my skills are not interrupted as they were prior to update. :P
Wow, nice. I'm currently running around with Touch, Bark, Embrace, Abundance, Calm and Lightning. :D At lvl 80.

I agree that its really annoying that druids seem to be the only class unable to kill druid masters.

As for health pots, I think its fine for lower lvls, but they shouldn't be as strong or stronger then a druid's healing. Also, I suggested that bandage wounds should be purely out-of-combat. :)
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

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