First of all online rankings dont mean a thing. What matters is if your clan can stay together or survive a challenge ( not the arena. i don't care about the arena).
I'm not trying to bash down on your clan; im just trying to get a point across. People do not stay in your clan because it is simply too large. People want attention and a large clan can NEVER give it. You say you support new players but how many have stayed after level 70? ( if they get that far even). Noobs are not meant to be guardians because they have no sense of character in a player and are therefore handicapped to recruit. I also don't think noobs need a real clan at level 1 since the game is pretty self-explanatory at the early levels and easy to do. By the way, killing the dragon IS the point of this game since a dragon IS the end-game boss- a goal everyone should be working towards. Fun comes along the way.
So what if you maybe #1 according to the numbers? what does that prove? where do you stand in power? where do you stand in close friendship?
Hater comment- What a waste of a clan banner