Just to clear things up between me and Prime
#1Ok, so some members of Prime think I hate their clan. I don't hate Prime nor do I like it! The only way I will join Prime is if I am asked to join and not at some rediculously high level like 150. I will only join Prime at level 125 or lower but anything higher then that, then forget it. Overall Prime is just doing what they need to do to keep their clanmates stocked up on upgrade items while on the side selling some for quick profit. We all do this kind of concept. Imagine if Prime collected drops again. How would any of us get are upgrade items then! Sure we have had our ups and downs but when you look behind all that (this includes both of us) we really are not bad/annoying people.
Youtube Channel: SunlightGamer https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCG8h7 ... zjleUrfkbw
Youtube Channel: SunlightGamer https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCG8h7 ... zjleUrfkbw