Dersu, Israel and Switzerland have almost no gun laws, and there's almost no gun murder rate or robbery, same in Israel! At certain ages, you're forced to learn how to use a gun and clean it to protect your family. So why pick other countries to use as examples? Why not use these? We need to learn from Switzerland, and do the exact same. Oh and it still baffles me when you give your opinions on American laws and Society when you live in Canada...
Hi Uzi... a few things.
1. I think you've come a long way from our debate in October. You are showing a more open mind in your posts, and are offering some more concrete answers. I am happy to see that. Improving ourselves should always be one of our top priorities. That being said...
2. You still write some things which makes me wonder if you fully read a post in question. It wasn't as if I was cherry picking numbers and countries... If I cherry picked, the U.K. and Sweden would have been left out of my comparison. No, I chose those countries for specific reasons... reasons I already mentioned.
Nighthawk had stated that countries with strict gun laws have "rampant crime." Therefore I searched for countries with strict gun laws. That gave us the U.K., Japan, Sweden, Singapore, and Germany. (No evidence of rampant crime across the board).
He further stated something to the effect that armed citizens equates to less crime, as criminals know you might be carrying a weapon. That gave us the U.S. and Czech. Czech was the only other country I could find where concealed carry was commonplace. Other countries require permits and those permits are usually only given out in special circumstances. (No evidence that an armed population stops prevents crime).
He also used Switzerland in his argument, therefore I included it. (It is included, btw... you might want to re-read my post). I included Canada because of its proximity to the U.S., and our shared history, culture, and heritage. Two plants divided by an imaginary line should develop in the same manner... we obviously have not, however.
Now, since you asked specifically about Israel, I will add it to the list... you might regret that you asked me to do so, however, as it certainly doesn't help your case, but without further ado:
All numbers are incidences per 100,000 people. I've listed them in order of highest to lowest.
1845 (Israel)
1157 (U.K)
1094 (Sweeden)
0758 (Switzerland)
0714 (U.S.)
0681 (Canada)
0631 (Germany)
0523 (Czech)
0234 (Japan)
0104 (Singapore)
189 (U.K)
146 (U.S.)
094 (Sweeden)
086 (Canada)
065 (Germany)
054 (Switzerland)
046 (Czech)
036 (Israel)
021 (Singapore)
004 (Japan)
4.8 (U.S)
2.1 (Israel)
1.7 (Czech)
1.6 (Canada)
1.2 (U.K.)
1.0 (Sweeden)
0.8 (Germany)
0.7 (Switzerland)
0.4 (Japan)
0.3 (Singapore)
So as far as Israel is concerned... low robbery, but high burglary and homicide rate. Again, this doesn't really suggest anything. Guns don't really have much to do with anything. Guns in Israeli homes didn't stop burglars, and since concealed carry is not generally permitted, fear of guns has little to do with robberies.
3. You views on Switzerland and Israel are incorrect. Both countries have very strict laws and regulations in place. Once military service is finished in Israel, people fall under citizen law... and cannot easily obtain weapons. I dislike when American gun enthusiasts use these countries as examples, mostly because they have a LOT more training that the average Sloppy Joe eating American. Here's a good article to read where Israel rebuts NRA claims: ... -gun-laws/
4. For clarification, yes I am Canadian and yes, I am from Canada. I have lived in Japan for the past 11 years however. 11 very safe years with no guns around... oddly enough, there is no rampant crime here. I will be moving back to Canada next year, however.
Now as for why I feel fine entering this debate (aside from "freedom of speech" and all that jazz
) ... again, our proximity to the U.S. means that your problems are often our problems. My home town is an hour and a half from the boarder, and for the 7 years before I came to Japan I lived about 30 minutes from the boarder. We get a lot of idiots coming across. Some are assholes, and some are honest mistakes. Here's a recent example of a good guy who made a foolish mistake: ... he-border/
Who knows what these guys were planning: ... story.html
We also have the illegal movement of American arms (both legal and illegal) into Canada. Canadian laws have limits on magazine capacity. 5 rounds for rifles, 3 rounds for shotguns, and 10 rounds for hand guns. The trade of American arms into Canada is a problem: ... ian-deaths
I suspect that if your neighbour's garbage was spilling over the fence into your yard, you and your family might have reason for concern.