Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: dear, vilicrex

And you played normally until you figured out that you could somehow have more fun scamming and stealing.
Its not fun... Because how easy it is.., i wish i use to have a challenge but guess not,, ima post my scamming skills and how to avoid them if anyone would try :)
You can go to hell scum bag. You aren't going to quit scamming, once a scammer always a scammer. Saying your trying to teach life lessons and not be so trusting, bull crap, do that to me in RL and I'll teach you a REAL lesson, no good piece of trash.
Server: Arawn
Player: Phyzem:216Rogue
Player: Krypto:187-Rogue
Clan: Unit

Re: dear, vilicrex

And you played normally until you figured out that you could somehow have more fun scamming and stealing.
Its not fun... Because how easy it is.., i wish i use to have a challenge but guess not,, ima post my scamming skills and how to avoid them if anyone would try :)
You can go to hell scum bag. You aren't going to quit scamming, once a scammer always a scammer. Saying your trying to teach life lessons and not be so trusting, bull crap, do that to me in RL and I'll teach you a REAL lesson, no good piece of trash.
Ooooo I'm scared u can threaten me u can call me names u can do what u want as all you are nothing to me or will ever be. Theres only been a few players i truly attached to and nvr scamme like
Vilicrrrrrrrex is back
Level 174 Ranger
Full Dragonlord (No wep still rocking the ancient wyrmbone)

Re: dear, vilicrex

So Pages or whoever you are.. Ruining people's game by scamming their things.. How do you think you're not?!

MasterHealer is a nice, honest guy. He wanted a break from Rhiannon so bought some plat and used it on Crom. He then wanted to return to Rhiannon with the gear he had bought with plat, so was seeking out a world xfer that you so kindly (...) offered to help him with.

So really.. What is the difference between you stealing a few 'pixels in a game', as opposed to you simply taking £70 out of his wallet??

All-in-all.. You're a thief and a scumbag and I hope you try something similar in real life and pay the consequences.

It seems to me, you're the one that needs to be taught a lesson, not others.

P.S. I call ***. I highly doubt you gave the items away.. My bet is that you have made yourself a nice new toon.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: dear, vilicrex

OTM, sort yourself out and get a grip with this kid, he is ruining your game and ours

D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)

General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets

D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)

Re: dear, vilicrex

OTM, sort yourself out and get a grip with this kid, he is ruining your game and ours

Because as stated in their rules.

All trades are final. Responsibility is the person who traded the items.

It isnt their problem... Basically what it says
Vilicrrrrrrrex is back
Level 174 Ranger
Full Dragonlord (No wep still rocking the ancient wyrmbone)

Re: dear, vilicrex

OTM, sort yourself out and get a grip with this kid, he is ruining your game and ours

Because as stated in their rules.

All trades are final. Responsibility is the person who traded the items.

It isnt their problem... Basically what it says

Your just a scumbag hiding behind a screen, that's why your not scared, you'd never do this in real life because you'd get the pulp beaten out of you. Stupid brat.

If you met me id give you something to remember.
Server: Arawn
Player: Phyzem:216Rogue
Player: Krypto:187-Rogue
Clan: Unit

Re: dear, vilicrex

OTM, sort yourself out and get a grip with this kid, he is ruining your game and ours

Because as stated in their rules.

All trades are final. Responsibility is the person who traded the items.

It isnt their problem... Basically what it says

Your just a scumbag hiding behind a screen, that's why your not scared, you'd never do this in real life because you'd get the pulp beaten out of you. Stupid brat.

If you met me id give you something to remember.
Heh i have bad memory :) and ur threats mean nothin to me so u can keep threatening for all i care
Vilicrrrrrrrex is back
Level 174 Ranger
Full Dragonlord (No wep still rocking the ancient wyrmbone)

Re: dear, vilicrex

So really.. What is the difference between you stealing a few 'pixels in a game', as opposed to you simply taking £70 out of his wallet??
Please answer.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: dear, vilicrex

This is all and well to prove this point on how easy it is but its a complete new thing when you follow through with it. Like keeping someones items, thats really low. Scamming scum like you should die a slow agonizing death. Its not helping anyone by doing this besides yourself praying on others like scum usually do. Guessing if you 18+ you're a dole bludger (government income for ferral *** who spend it on drugs and grog)
Be more considerate and maybe teach yourself a lesson, how would you feel if you were scammed? Wankstain
Freyaa (164) rogue
Sunshinee (155) druid

MissDartignan (182+) ranger
Freyaa (176+) rogue

Re: dear, vilicrex

Cmon give me a break , does anyone actually believe he scams to teach people lessons ? That's the lie he is telling himself so he doesn't feel like dirt. Only his mom would believe him .
Clan Avalon


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