Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

Sir Blaze. If this game was played only by adults I could see some merit in your attitude. Though any game with lots of scammers gets a bad reputation which affects game income which affects game development which affects us all.

HOWEVER this gsme has a lot of children playing. You can't hold them to the same standards. Many kids are trusting and for them this game world and the friends in it are the same as the real world.

All scamming is bad but Scamming children is disgusting.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

Sir Blaze. If this game was played only by adults I could see some merit in your attitude. Though any game with lots of scammers gets a bad reputation which affects game income which affects game development which affects us all.

HOWEVER this gsme has a lot of children playing. You can't hold them to the same standards. Many kids are trusting and for them this game world and the friends in it are the same as the real world.

All scamming is bad but Scamming children is disgusting.
I'm glad you raised that point. I see what you mean and agree to some extent.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

I agree with you blaze , when someone gets scammed it's their own fault . That does not excuse the scammer from his actions . This guy is openly scamming and buying and selling characters he deserves any action otm takes against him. This guys is the self proclaimed dredges of mmo society , we are all better off without him .
Clan Avalon


Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

+1 to OP.
This fool is just encouraging to scam more. By reading his posts i can see that he might have some problems in life. Scamming may comfort the douchebag and give him the joy that he has not recieved from his life. I wonder if he has came out of his shell he has been hiding in all these years. Most likely not.

How to avoid scamming in trans to your alt: Wait for the ****ing mailing system.
Ranger-104 Retired
Rogue-123 Retired
Warrior-100 Retired
Mage-100 Retired

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

I agree with you blaze , when someone gets scammed it's their own fault . That does not excuse the scammer from his actions . This guy is openly scamming and buying and selling characters he deserves any action otm takes against him. This guys is the self proclaimed dredges of mmo society , we are all better off without him .
+1 I totally agree, well said.
xNUKEGURLx : Rogue - Lvl 231
xNUKIEx : Ranger - Lvl 225

xNUKERSx : Rogue - Lvl 225
NuKeRs : Druid - Lvl 220
Leader Of Clan : Seed

Retired : NUKEGURL , xNUKIEx - Arawn.


Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

Leave te scammers alone when it comes to banning. I somewhat want to side with them when people act so ignorant and get scammed through the most stupid ways. Everyone has been warned and if it's such a simple tactic they use to scam, you deserve whatever has come to you. It's the hard way of learning but if you dot listen in te first place, how will you ever learn?

Dealing with scammers in a different way such as ksing them, not allowing them to join your clan, or blocking them is a much better way imo.

You don't kill a murderer, you put him/her in jail for a long, long time.
Killing a person in real life completely ends everything unless your releagis, banning some one from a game is totaly different you can still go play other games or better yet go play sports or somthing plus banning that one person can make alot more people not quit due to them getting scamed


Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

At a root level it has to do with OTM's focus. And how they do it.

Remember the Red Boss Glitching that went on for months, MONTHS in early 2012 to get Meteoric Sets completely unfairly? We reported and reported and reported it, but OTM was focused on only getting their update out and nothing else. So it slid so far (until Late March/April) that finally players in Beta Forums began posting about it there. And they finally delayed a build in beta and patched a fix.

OTM previously made serious progress against people who sold/traded accounts, and vs quite a few scammers, but they have slipped so drastically in their "push for Update 4!" that a scammer can openly admit to scamming and flaunt it and get no repercussions.

Its sad, but its simply how the machine of OTM works. They aren't big enough to keep more than 1-2 priorities in the air, and right now its some Support issues, and the Update. Hopefully after the Update, it will be repairing these massive gaping holes in their policy inforcement. Hopefully.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

Leave te scammers alone when it comes to banning. I somewhat want to side with them when people act so ignorant and get scammed through the most stupid ways. Everyone has been warned and if it's such a simple tactic they use to scam, you deserve whatever has come to you. It's the hard way of learning but if you dot listen in te first place, how will you ever learn?

Dealing with scammers in a different way such as ksing them, not allowing them to join your clan, or blocking them is a much better way imo.

You don't kill a murderer, you put him/her in jail for a long, long time.
Killing a person in real life completely ends everything unless your releagis, banning some one from a game is totaly different you can still go play other games or better yet go play sports or somthing plus banning that one person can make alot more people not quit due to them getting scamed
Are you trying to be funny or are you just being flat out stupid? Banning means you have left the game on that account for good. Your life is over (ingame), no more logging into that account. It's totally relatable. How the f*** does playing another mmo or playong sport have anything to do with punishment in-game? In both, the example, and actual situation, people are saved whether it's figuratively or literally.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Sort out this self confessed scammer.

As said I also agree that if you get scammed it's your own fault, but as someone has posted.. Many people quit the game after they get scammed.

I personally know more than 5 people that have quit through being scammed, and I know atleast 2 of them were big play buyers.

Scammers make people quit, people quitting means less income, less income means slower development, slower development effects everyone.. Get rid of the scammers!
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

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