Really you only use for tanking and is fun ? I mean ...... Yes im full tank and can have. 1100 damage and 1850 attack. Without any radiant equippent. But are you for real i mean 6000 speed 1 hand odisian weapon to have those false stats the mean nothing while playing ....
With frozen weapon 1000+ damage 2000+ attack . Full tank that can tank Aggy and anything else in game .
Please explain you gear ......
Cause for me what come to mind
4 goldly damage rings. 200 elemental damage
1 golden blade. 200 damage. 75 stength with the frozen sword and only 5 perm strength 620
1 aggy bracelet of srtrength 75 stength + 100 sword abilitie ( maybe) 100+ damage
1 damage helm 50
970-/+ 1650 attack without radiant equippent mmmmm then if u add radiant you can make diferent stats .....
But then again how that refer to 80% of warriors on the game ......... The issue are not the stats but pay attetion at how much real damage is done with those stats......
And again why the original poster didnt said i want make a warrior?