Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

picture is worth a thousand words. Yas already answered this question. Eve is number 1 in the entire celtic heroes game for a reason and its not bc we are full of alts. if anything, that should make it more impressive. quality, not quantity.


Rhiannon Mage lvl 200+

-Clan Member of InnerCircle.
-Past Guardian of RaptureEve, Dead but never forgotten.

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

Lady i dont understand. You say that even if Eve is filled with alts (which it is) it's quality over quantity?

Also, LR with the new clan rankings system coming out in update, it'll focus on a clan's ability to take bosses, not to just fit in every dps they have, and have them create a lvl 70 druid alt, and hope to idol aggy from that...

^^ that was an example from another clan in another world, so please dont launch into a 5-6 paragraph about total bs :)
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

Ill edit this since it was deleted the first time i posted it, lol:

Sin: "My **** is big"
Eve: "My **** is bigger"
Sin: "No my **** is bigger"
Eve: "No my **** is bigger"

Guess the only thing we agree on is that we both have ****s. Why dont we all grow up, stop the squabbling over stupid **** and enjoy the game.

Hope his passes otm monitor guy, if not sincerest apologies.
Airrius 225 tank
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

Lady i dont understand. You say that even if Eve is filled with alts (which it is) it's quality over quantity?

Also, LR with the new clan rankings system coming out in update, it'll focus on a clan's ability to take bosses, not to just fit in every dps they have, and have them create a lvl 70 druid alt, and hope to idol aggy from that...

^^ that was an example from another clan in another world, so please dont launch into a 5-6 paragraph about total bs :)
Just bc we have alot of alts (like sin doesnt, plz :roll: ) it doesnt mean our mains are not powerful and can take out bosses. alts have very little to do with how strong our ranking or power is.

If your really gna say that my posts are total bs than why are you even asking me to respond to you? your wasting my time and just being a disrespectful ass. im so sick of this behavior from you, you used to be cool.

Rhiannon Mage lvl 200+

-Clan Member of InnerCircle.
-Past Guardian of RaptureEve, Dead but never forgotten.

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

Sorry, that was a waaaaaay late pun on a typo!
Anyway, saying you've a big **** isn't always cool :/
And what's wrong with having a bunch of alts? I think it improves your game - certainly gives a better understanding of it. Only ever play one class and you are missing soooo much!
Alycia - Ranger 211+, chief Clan Alycia, Rhiannon
And bunches more!

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

I believe 'Power Rating' only takes into account 'Active Members' anyway.

Therefore the average rating per member -

1. RaptureEve: 22799/183 = 124.58
2. Outliers: 11619/130 = 89.37
3. ArgoSin: 11112/139 = 79.94
4. EternalSin: 9679/68 = 142.33
5. Victorious: 6173/55 = 112.23

Just thought I'd throw a few statistics out there.

In all honesty I don't even know why I'm commenting on this, it's pathetic :lol: . The Online Rankings are a load of fluff anyway. :roll:
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Update Me on Top clans#

picture is worth a thousand words. Yas already answered this question. Eve is number 1 in the entire celtic heroes game for a reason and its not bc we are full of alts. if anything, that should make it more impressive. quality, not quantity.


Sorry to jump in when it's not my server but do you seriously consider your clan the top in Celtic because of online rankings ? The rankings are a joke lol
Clan Avalon


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